40Super reloading dies/info


New member
I got his info from WalterGA from GlockTalk forum for those of you that are intrested

Member posted 12-29-2000 21:39
Fernando, The Exalted One, of Triton, is going to furnish 32 of us with .40 Super dies, after the SHOT show, according to his most recent posts on this subject. I believe that Dillon is playing around with making carbide .40 Super dies. Since one must lubricate brass sized in the carbide dies also, I don't know what the deal is about getting carbide dies. Maybe they're smoother, easier to use, etc.
At any rate, after my dies from Fernando arrive, I'll post the manufacturer's name and do a report of my experience with the dies.

This was taken from my original question post in the "Caliber Corner" of GLock Talk
Hi R-n-G,

Thanks for the info. I notice on Triton's site that they are advertising that Dillon, RCBS and Redding are all three offering dies for this cartridge. Just not listed at any of those companies as of yet. Though I would guess that they just haven't made it to the catalogs yet, not even the online ones.

If the carbide sizing/depriming die that Dillon is working on, are like the carbide rifle dies they sell, and do indeed still need lubing of the cases, I see little advantage in them to offset their additional cost. Yes they will be more scratch resistant and they will last a lot longer (only a plus if you load a BUNCH in this caliber). However, it doesn't solve the problem of the pain in the a$$ with lubing before sizing then cleaning the brass again after.

Well keep us posted on this one.

Happy New Years!
Keep It In The 10 Ring,


"We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't."
I will, not being an avid reloader, I am not a expert by no means. One of my shootin' buds is and he makes me rounds for my 45 so I'm tempted to get the die and some cases from Starline to load a buch. As I said, I've been paying 14 and some change per 20rd box from Triton. I really like this round alot so I think I will invest in the die to start punching out my own. Hawaii just past Handgun hunting this year, and this is the round I'm gonna use for feral pig!

Have a great new years to all---cya in 01!
The case lube dillema can be solved by using the Lee case lube. I dilute it with water and use a sprayer bottle to lightly spray cleaned cases. I let these dry and size as normal. Since this is a soapy wax, it dries to a non-tacky powder and after sizing, it flakes off. It looks like dandruff but its non-greasy and can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or sifted out.

I too am waiting for dies but since I will be loading about 500/year, I wil opt for the steel.
FWIW, I've reloaded a couple of thousand rounds of .40 Supers, using .400 Cor-bon dies, in conjunction with a .45 ACP Lee Factory Crimp Die. I use the Lee decapper/sizer die, the Lee Factory Crimp Die, and an RCBS seater/crimper .400 Cor-Bon die.

Takes a couple of passes through my crappy Lee Loadmaster, but it works.

I don't crimp with the Lee FCD, I just use it for resizing as far down as possible on the case. I use it with the crimp screw backed out.