4006 or 4566

Blue Duck357

New member
No politics please, either would be used not new anyway and yes I've already got Glocks and they are not going anywhere :)

Sure that one of these will be my next purchase, mainly for range fun shooting but also for home defense and carry in a pinch if it works out well enough.

4006: little smaller gun, holds 3 more shots, ammo's a bit cheaper, guns a bit cheaper, downside is I've never had a .40 that was all that accurate and I've heard mixed reports about the reliability and durability of the pre "TSW" guns.

4566: Little bigger (but also has the bigger bullet), gun and ammo is more expensive, heard better things about this guns reliability and accuracy.

What do you think???
Hey Blue Duck, My Ole' Friend-

I have never owned or shot either; but I sure do like the
looks of the Smith & Wesson 4566. If it shoot's as good
as it looks; then it would be my choice, cuz I am a big
fan of the .45 ACP.:D If you want to add to the mix a
bit, then you also must consider the S&W 4506.
Many good reviews have been posted here at TFL, in
regards to this weapon.:cool: :) Good luck with your

Your Friend,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Wow did I pick a hot topic or what!

I think my bud AlaDan just gave me a pity response so my thread wouldn't go completely down the board without a single response ;)
Blue Duck:

I got a grin out of the "hot topic" comment, so I'll say what others may be too polite to offer up. Or I may just be wrong; sure wouldn't be the first time. But, at least in my opinion, S&W autos are a ways down on the recommended list, both in absolute terms and in "bang for the buck." If you've made up your mind, then by all means go for it, they're fine guns. It's just that you could probably do quite a bit better for the same dollars.
Thanks for the comments folks.

Yeah S/W autos have a bit of a bad reputation and the "agreement" doesn't help, even on used guns. They're just a bit different, which I like and I've talked to several people who love thiers. Main problems I see mentioned are weight (which owning mainly Glocks is weirdly kind of a pleasant change for me) and grip shape (but both actually felt very good to me).

Actually considering price and other issues SteelyDan may well be right. But what can I say, sometimes you just want something a little different:cool:
Blue Duck,

I have carried a 4006 for almost seven years now and have shot many others as a dept armorer. The accuracy from ours is OK, but not great. (My 1991A1, G23, G27 all shoot much better groups, not a statement of any kind of preference, just the facts) Mine tends to shoot about 1 1/2 in. low at 7 yds and just keeps getting lower the farther out you are. Most, but not all of our guns shoot about the same. We have Trijicon sights; I've always wondered about approaching Trijicon regarding front sight height vs. rear sight height.

My 4006 has been 100.00% reliable with factory ammo, but I probably maintain mine to a slightly higher standard than the average officer, at least in our department.

The one thing I will caution about is a little problem that S&W seems to have had with their QC. About four years ago I noticed a hairline crack on the far right side of the feed ramp. Right where it meets the chamber. I was told that when some of the bbls were manufactured the cutter head settings were not quite right and too much metal was taken off in the wrong place. I have talked to other agencies with the 4006 and have heard similar experiences. The good news is S&W has been totally cool about sending out new barrels to me (at almost $100 per bbl, no charge to me). Yes, I wish the cracks weren't there, but S&W customer service has been 110% cooperative. I have never dealt with any better.

My only other impression is that the gun can get a little heavy especially after a long day.

Good Luck!