"Remember, initially the 9mm also showed great promise but was later found lacking"
"Initially" as in like 1903?
Exactly when was it found lacking? It is at least as old the .45 and has been in far more wars, killed multitudes more people, survived longer, continued in extreme popularity, and has yet to be proven any less effective than anything else.
Look at all a the data and prove to me where it has been found lacking.
I like the .40, .357 Sig and others, but I really think that they are all about hype.
They all expand about the same, all penetrate about the same, so where is the difference? In the kinetic energy? Is the little difference in KE really a difference in effect if they penetrate and expand the same?
Who says any work any better than the others? Fackler? S&M? Police agencies? S&M say they are all about the same according to street results. Fackler says they are about the same according to lab tests.
Most LEAs that switched from the 9mm did so not because they did not like the caliber, but because they did not like the old 147gr bullet and they were offered free guns if they bought .40's. Many LEAs are perfectly happy with the 9mm and can cite enormous success with it.
Personally, I think the .40 and all the others are all about hype. I like the .357 Sig a little better because of it's flat shooting and high energy, but any of these are not much better than a 9mm. But, the magazines, manufacturers, bullet makers etc would all like you to think so because they make lots of money of it all.
[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited May 25, 2000).]