.40 Super (yes, FORTY)

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Rob Pincus

New member
Triton is about to come out with a .40 Super and it is going to Rock... do any of you Triton followers know anything about it?

(is it on their website or anything yet? Am I behind on this one?)
Have not seen any yet, here is what I heard on another list: it is a 45 Super necked down to 40, similar to the 400 CorBon, which is 45 necked down to 40. Should work in 400 CorBon barrels like the 45 Super will work in 45 barrels (that must be the idea)? Figure another 100-200 fps more velocity than the 400 CorBon with the same bullets?

When I first heard about it, I thought it might be an improved 40 case that took higher pressures (like the 45 Super). Maybe a thicker, longer web with shorter, lighter bullets 165 or less?

Tried calling Triton, no answer, left multiple messages, no return calls, gave up.


[This message has been edited by BrokenArrow (edited March 13, 1999).]
There's a 40-444 wildcat out, but why would you want a 40super when the 10mm auto is probably the same thing?

FA-MAS is my friend.
I talked wuth someone at Triton, name??
anyway he said the .40 Super should be out mid to late summer, and out of a 5" barrel, they are running over 1700 fps. Real pistol, not a test barrel... Boy is this going to be fun!!!

No, this is a true .40 S&W catridge. It is not a necked down or wildcat catridge.

The numbers I heard are similar to what sno posted, for the 180 gr. I have heard some staggerring 2000+fps numbers for the 135 grain, out of a Glock, not a test barrel.

Glock, Inc. has been testing the cartridge in their standard size .40's.
I would assume that this .40 SUPER has the same case dimentions of .40S&W? And as Such - I should be able to fire it in my USP with out special mods?

H&Ks - gotta love'm...


Resistance is Futile
I guess, if you can't get a Glock, you could use a H&K ;)

Since you brought it up, I was told not to fear using the .45 Super in my G30 or 21. I hate putting that out without Triton saying it, but apparently Glock, Inc has told Triton that the round has been tested and the guns handle it. Maybe Triton doesn't trust Glock, inc. for some reason?

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 13, 1999).]
If you look very carefully at Triton's print ads, you will see a bottlenecked case headstamped .40 Super. It appears to be a .400 Cor-Bon with a small primer (probably small rifle). Perhaps Triton rethought this approach?

Reportedly, the .400 Cor-Bon cases had been switched from .45 ACP specs to .45 Super specs some time ago by Starline. Perhaps an e-mail to Starline could clear up this part of the story?

On the eve of the .400 Cor-Bon's introduction, Peter Pi tried to interest Glock in adopting it as the .400 Glock...a direct swipe at the 357 SIG. Not long after, Fernando Coehlo tried to sell his own version to SIG. (It was Charles Petty's 10mm Centaur tweaked by Tom Burczynski, and built off of the .45 Super case.)
Acually it is a bottleneck, it is a .45 super necked to .40, it will work with a .400 corbon barrel
I think, but if I am wrong, then don't listen to me...

[This message has been edited by snoman (edited March 13, 1999).]
What are you saying, Sno? There is a 45 necked down to .40 that works in a .400 Corbon barrel ? That sounds like .400 Cor-Bon to me... ;)

According to the Glock T&E dept, there is a new round that chambers in .40 S&W weapons. Like I said, that is about as much as I know, if anyone knows anything else about that round, reportedly called .40 Super, I;d love to hear about it.
The one I saw was the same thing as .400 corbon but uses the .45 Super case for higher pressure.
Is there one out that is ".40 S&W" with better case?

I had a chance to shoot some .40 Super last spring, and it looks like speed demons will have a new cartridge to "hot rod." If memory serves, it will be offered in 180 gr. and 135 gr. weights. Aside from the obvious marketing ploy (new guns, new ammo), the only question I have is "Why?" What will this do that isn't already done well by existing cartridges?

Regards, Richard

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited March 16, 1999).]
What I've known as 40 Super is, in fact, a necked down 45 Super. What 45King doesn't mention is that Fernando Coelho, President of Triton, was at the same event last spring, refering to this ammo as 40 Super. I don't recall if he had any production ammo in 40 Super with him at that time, but I suspect the Triton ammo is the same, i.e. necked down. This does not preclude the possibility that Glock may be working on something else. If Glock is getting similar ballistics out a case that will chamber in a standard 40 barrel, I'd find that pretty frightening.
Obviously, I have the name wrong on this new round.. which is going to turn out to be a strengthened .40 S&W case.

It is the .40 equivalent of .45 Super. Made to function and chamber in some .40 S&W guns with no barrel mods.
40 Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious!

I'll pass thanks.

The plain vanilla 40 S&W is on the edge of what I can handle (155/165/1150)the way I think things should be handled, and most 40 guns are on the edge of what they can take with any kind of reasonable durability too?

USP/SigPro no problem, the Glock might need stiffer spring to really last? Forget about it in the SIGs, S&Ws, Berettas, BHPs IMO.

I thought something like this might happen to the 40 considering how easy it was to push the case and some barrels over the edge (can we say kB? :) ) I think Federal made some internal case changes after some probs a while back (first noted with 155 HS in SIGs?)The rumour I heard anyway...

You may want to check back on the Triton web site: www.triton-ammo.com . They have a writeup on the .40 Super round. According to the web page, it is a similar concept to the .400 CorBon, i.e. a necked down case, but as I read it, triton is NOT using the .45 Super case, but rather a trimmed .45 Win Mag case. Thus, a .400 corbon barrel will NOT chamber a .40 Super round Sounds like it will be a LONG time before barrels, brass and reloading dies become available for this one, if it EVER catches on. Sounds like another case of "the early bird (CorBon) gets the worm". The ballistics are impresive, but if nobody supports it...
I'm not sure I'd be willing to send in a .400 CorBon barrel for retooling, have a set of "custom" dies made, and trim and neck down all my brass for a cartridge that may not last long. But, fact is stranger than fiction.

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