40% Increase for CCW Permits Reported in Texas this Year: I wonder why??


Texans are getting CCW permits in record numbers so far this year. Why do you think that this demand is currently surging? The increase has been quite dramatic.

The following news report by the El Paso Times speculates as to why this is happening:


Over 200,000 Texans are now licensed to carry concealed weapons.

Are there reports of increased CCW permit applications where you live???

Population going up, crime rate goes up and more people become concerned,
added bonus Mexico on our southern border supplying addition crime.
Since our Federal ...

... government decided to allow Texas to become Del Notre De Mexico by not enforcing the Laws of the Land, a large number of citizens consciously or subconscious recognize we are transitioning to a higher level of crime which is spinning out of control and no one on the Federal level is going to do anything about it.

Legal Hispanics and Latins are not the problem as many are fine citizens and contribute to the betterment of Texas. We have one of the most diversely balanced population of just about any other state. There has always been a greater respect between all cultures in Texas than in most of the country as a whole.

It's the murderous crime elements that have virtually free access to funnel everything through Texas at will and all supported by Federal laws. Our highways are used to transport drugs and traffic in human slaves all supported by big government, industry requiring cheap labor and even the law enforcement / legal / judiciary / criminal warehousing "business" complex.

Texas has been sold out by the Federals and citizens are starting to understand we need to protect our families, our assets and ourselves because no one else will stop the criminals and it's only going to get worse, sooner than later. So yes Texans are arming themselves at a higher rate than most other states, because we see and live it on a daily basis.

Texas along with New Mexico, Arizona and California will all eventually suffer the same fate if we don't arm ourselves. The difference between Texas and the other three border states is they are becoming predominately socialist enclaves while we still prefer to take care of business ourselves.
Some of it may be due to favorable press like D.C. vs. Heller, but I think a lot of it has to do with increasing crime and a fear of what the elections might hold for us.

xrocket, it isn't just those border states that have a problem. I am stationed in Michigan and problems with illegal aliens in states like Indiana and Missouri have been on the news lately.
Ever since the PF-9 came out, demand for CHLs has been crazy.

The PF-9 has been out about 2 years now, though. This big increase has just been in this past year.

Perhaps the newer Ruger LCP and Walther PPS are responsible???

That still does not explain why Texas is specifically having such a big increase.

I do not believe CHL or CCW increase can be tied to a new gun coming out.

A reason to carry a gun concealed is more believable. IE life danger and such.
Gahr! I was only joking about the PF-9. It's frookin' Dems. The Republicans lost their congressional majority due to their own fecklessness and W's been on his last lung. The assumption has been for the past two years that the Dems would greatly increase their majorities in the House and Senate and that the hand holding the pen would belong to a Dem, too.

Naturally, people want to get CHLs while they still can. Not that it'll do'em any more good than it would at any other time. Still, it's good that something's motivating them.
Are you saying that Obama wants to curtail the rights of states to issue CCW permits?

How could Congress and the President legally do that??

Would seem to me that states could challenge any such law as being unconstitutional.

Are you saying that Obama wants to curtail the rights of states to issue CCW permits?

How could Congress and the President legally do that??

I said it wouldn't do them any more good than it would do at any other time. It's like the surge in CHLs after 9/11. There's no big logical connection between concealed carry and defense against terrorism (since terrorists already know not to shoot it out with Americans and prefer bombs). It's irrational. But it's a motivator that makes people get off the couch and get a CHL and that's good.

Terrorists=bad world--therefore: carry a gun
Dems=gun grabbing--therefore: get a CHL
Unfortunately neither major political group are very pro gun and I doubt there be anything done either way. I doubt many of the new CHL being issued is out of fear of the next political leader. Anyone that crazy to believe a bit of paper will supposedly block a guy who they fear will take away the firearms is not likely to get the firearms legally.

I actually think it have more to do with increased population and poverty levels, leading to increased levels of crime. When there is more poverty around and people struggle to pay for food and bills, you get more robberies and then more people wanting a means of defense.
I think the evidence is clear that a liberal agenda accompanied with our government's failure to adequately curb crime is the reason more people are exercising their constitutional right to keep and bear arms in public places.