.40 Hi-Power


I've shot 150 rounds from three different manufacturers and I've had some jamming problems. Not a single problem from UMC. but mostly stovepipes from the 'factory' reloads and quite a few misshaped cases from the fiocchi 170FMJ. Some jammed and others actually ejected but at a different trajectory. The guy at the range suggested getting a 18.5lb Wolff spring saying that the ejecting case was probably being forced back into the slide when it ejects due to the strength of the spring.

The .40 comes with a 20lb spring and I was wondering how good of an idea this really is. Would storing the gun with the slide back soften the spring a bit and get the same effect? Or, should I go with the new spring?
I have one of these and Ive not had the problem, but the pistol I have I sold to a friend and he constantly had stove pipes..(the pistol has had the c/s trigger, hammer, and other parts as well as the trigger geometry changed--my concern was that those changes might have been contributing to the problem)..since he was un happy with the pistol I bought it back and my reloading partner and I shot the pistol extensively an neither one of us have had a jam....it appears that the pistol is susceptable to anything but a very firm grip----the guy I sold it to was loose gripping or limp wristing the pistol, Now I dont know that your doing that, and that was the only way we could make it jam------Ive left that pistol alone for several months as I havent the time att to shoot, I too was considering a lighter spring although the pistol might require the factory weight, perhaps a progressive spring might be better able to eliminate some of the p0unding the pistol will take....fubsy.
I have the 40 HP and have used the Wolff 18.5 lb spring since it was new with no problems. I had a BarSto fitted when gun was new and had problems but the Smith did some feedramp work and corrected this. I also had problems with the 20lb spring crimping and jamming the gun. Since going to the 18.5lb spring reliability has been 100% with no signs of frame battering.
tom b,
sounds like a plan, what are you shooting in it,.....180's 155's--full power factory etc.,,,,,I was thinking It might even have to be a heavier spring as the problem might be slowing down the slide not increasing the forward moition to battery----but since you've had success Ill give that one a try as well.....fubsy.
I own a number of pistols. ALl of them have had an occasional jam... EXCEPT the Hi Powers. The .40 has digested every single thing I have feed it. The 9 has only have a couple hundred rounds through it.. but is seems fine too.

Since you and your friend have been shooting it without problem, I think you have it on the problem. The other guy had to have a grip issue.

Just my opinion.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
I shoot mostly GA Arms 155gr and 180gr FMJ in my HP. Not very hot however I did run several hundred 180+JHPs thru it to test as this is my carry load. Mine has the C&S trigger and BarSto barrel. Trigger job as well. All done by Alpha Precision. Spegel grips. Usually reliability problems happen with too heavy a spring weight vs too lite but notice I said "usually". If you don't put a steady diet of hot loads thru it I would say go with the 18.5lb spring.When I purchase a new pistol I usually leave the slide locked back for a day before taking it to the range for a test fire. This usually loosens the action for better reliability. After pistol has been broken in I don't leave it in this condition for long periods however. I have a thing about compressed springs and I do rotate my mags. Have fun with your HPs !
I was a little surprised when the friend I sold the pistol too told me of the problem of it jamming as I had put many rounds through it prior to selling it and not a bobble in any of the newer one's Ive had. When I picked the pistol back up first thing was drive to the gun smiths place and have him check it over in case of any problems with the conversions and there were none, it was just like the other ones we had done, fine. After shooting the thing downstairs we reported to him the problem and that settled the issue for us.....fubsy.