.40/.357 SIG Combos, recommendations?

Here's the deal:

I want to celebrate my 40th birthday coming up by getting a "40 for my 40th". But I'm really interested in checking out the .357 SIG cartridge. So I'll buy (another!) .40 on 21 May, and get a .357 SIG barrel a little later. I'm almost dead set on a SIG P239, bought thought I owed it to myself to get some more opinions/options.

Essential background:

1. Already own a Glock 22 and 27, would prefer not to get another Glock, or settle for a barrel for one of them.

2. Own a SIG P220, know the quality, wouldn't mind adding to my SIG collection.

3. Would really prefer a "compact", or "medium size" gun, and not a full-size service gun, nor a "pocket" gun.

4. Want to buy a new gun!

So, any other viable options? And while your at it, don't forget things like magazines and holster availability in your recommendations. Price is not an issue.

Thanks ahead of time.
Well since you already own a Glock 22 and a Glock 27, you know of their quality. I know you said you don't want another, but if you look deep down, a Glock 23 may be what you want. If I am not mistaken, you will have a 13+1 capacity with pre-ban magazines. Another plus is that the 15 round magazines from your Glock 22 will function in your Glock 23 in a pinch, just like they will function in your Glock 27. Let us know what you decide!
Sig 239.... perfect for a 9MM
In 40 ...it's a bit too much.

HK 40C converts to .357 easily...right...?
So it seems it was made for your question/search.

The Sig P229 and P226 are terrific. I also like the H&K USP Compact, but at a local "try before you buy" promo an HK rep told me you can't switch from .357 Sig to .40 in the USP. His reasoning was, "Well, Sig made the catrtidge for their own design so they can do that, we didn't. " Don't understand why not, and it seems like a lot of folks have done that on their own.
I have .357 Sigs in Glock 32 and 33, and in Sig 229 and 226. The Glocks are fine pistols, but I much prefer the ergonomics of the Sigs, and bought .40 drop-in barrels for both of them. The 229 seems to be in the size range you are looking for, holsters abound, and you can still get full-cap mags since the 229 in .40 predated the ban (tho they're $$$). I looked at 239's because I like Sigs so much, but they're too small for my hands.

My 229 ate a recoil spring at about 1000 rds, so I beefed up the replacement poundage-wise (don't remember to what at the moment, tho.) I second WESHOOT2 on going from .357 to .40, or at least match a recoil spring specifically to the .357 Sig if you go from .40 to .357 Sig.
Bought it today....

Bought the P229; I guess I wasn't current on all my SIGs, perfect size I was looking for! Got the.357 SIG version. For those who advocated this version over the .40, the manual does not seam to make any distinction between the .357 and the .40 with respect to the recoil spring; nor did any of the gun shop commandos. Elaboration is called for here!

The .40 for my 40th was obviously abandoned here; but I must must confess it was a weak concept. I went to buy a .38 for my thirty eighth; but it was really a .357 magnum. The tradition of buying some type of weapon on birthday is still strong, however.

One question I have that I will probably have to take to another thread is do I have a ten-round legal weapon or something more. I thought that anything 10 rounds or less would be prominently marked on the weapon; I see no such distinction on this brand-new weapon. For what it's worth, the serial number on my purchase is A126XXX. The weapon was sold with two-ten round magazines, interchangeable with the .357/.40 combo on this gun. Such was not the case with the P239; a major factor in my purchase.

Forgive my ignorance in this matter, but all my handgun purchases since 1994 have been sub-compacts or revolvers; please, anyone who can expound on this would be greatly appreciated.
I called Sig abt the recoil springs when mine went bad, and the person I talked with said both .40 and .357 Sig were the same (16 lbs??), but she wasn't too convincing. They sent me a factory replacement, but I bought some extra power springs from Wolff (http://www.gunsprings.com/). I think I have 17 and 19 lb'ers. FWIW, Wolff's site says 17 lb is factory std for the .357 Sig.

The '94 law re 10 rounds is a magazine issue and not a pistol issue, so if you can find some reasonably priced full-cap magazines you're good to go, regardless of when the pistol was made.