4 years from now


New member
Just read on FOX where some of Gore's advisors are recommending he "gracefully bow out", saying he would be a front runner in 2004.
They may be right. The left wingers are really gonna go spastic over the next four years pushing their agenda.

How do we, as constitutionalists, raise the conciousness of our benign, gun owning brethren out there?
WE know what is happening. THEY do not and I have to believe that a lot of them just dont care.If this election power-grab doesn't educate them I doubt that anything will.
Don't kid yourself. gore can see hillary on the horizon in 2004. The clintons have all the loyalty of a couple of sharks in a feeding frenzy. They won't be giving anyone a free pass in the future. He knows that better than anyone.
It's now or never for al.
I agree, Hillary is 2004 meat

Being new here I'm not certain how any of you feel about the current leadership in the GOP. I became a Libertarian in 1996 when I found that Dole had nothing to say to me on any subject.

The issues that I want addressed are missing in the GOP. I want the 2nd Amendment and State's rights (10th) guaranteed safe. I want the USA out of the United Nations because the UN's first act of authority will to demand gun registration for every American.

To state it more clearly I want a new Republican Party. I may have found one in the Repubican Liberty Caucus. I am attending their convention in 3 weeks and will question them thoroughly on their stand on guns. All sizes and shapes to be allowed by anyone who is legal. What do you think?
Bless your little, pea-pickin' heart! :D

Welcome to a hotbed of Libertarianism!

We are spat upon by the Republican zealots eager to "compromise" away to their Democrat brothers what little is left of the Second Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

Here's hoping we can separate and develop any real Republicans left in the current Democrat auxiliary.

PS. Wear both Nomex and Kevlar, kiddo! Here they come over the hill! :D :D
Thank you Dennis

Do you know who Congressman Ron Paul is? If you don't you should.

Take a look at this site: http://www.rlc.org

this is the group with whom I am meeting on 12/7 in Atlanta Georgia.

If Dubya wins the race, we will be very quiet but very strong in our issues. If Gore wins we are coming out of the closet with both barrels blasting for change.

I write for a couple of news sites and intend to do an article on this meeting. I will send you a copy of the article. It will go first to Etherone.com and out from there.

I see no future in the current GOP. No spine!!

My stuff is on my site: http://www.rightpov.com

If you have time, take a look. I'm mean and nasty to Liberals.....
Gore is done as a big time politican if he fails to win this election. Very few people in the Democratic Party are actually big fans of his, though he has picked up a few in this election campaign.
Remember, this is a man who would have probably have been defeated in his home state as a senator years ago.
I do believe that this is one of the deeper reasons that Clinton picked him in the first place. Clinton never picked a man who could out shine him in any area for his upper level positions. He was no Teddy Roosevelt, FDR or John Kennedy that picked a cabinet of outstanding men and then let them have at it. No, he surrounded himself with mediocrity or worse, so that he stood out all the more. No one speaks of any Camelot during his administration.
I don't think you will see much of any of them in the coming years (unless Gore can steal the presidency), except for Hillery. And ain't that a strange Clinton relationship?
Odds and Economics

There is already a slowing down of the national economy. It may well drift into a recession during late winter or next spring. If it hangs on for very long, whoever is President won't be, after 2004. A joke making the rounds among contrarian investors is, "If Bush wins, he oughta demand a recount."

The Party in power commonly loses strength in Congress during the mid-term elections.

If Bush wins, he may well face a Democratic Party's control of the House and Senate after the 2002 elections. This means he will be faced with anti-gun legislation wrapped in to all manner of "must sign" bills--such as major budget bills or even "Save Social Security".

What this means to us is that we have to get off our dead butts and work even harder at the State level to try to stave off Democratic control of Congress. I guarantee you that the Greenies will join hands with the Dems on all manner of "environmental protection" and anti-gun, anti-hunting issues...

Committee Chairmanships will go to the likes of Bonior, Dellums, Waters of LA, etc. You want Schumer and Feinstein in positions of Committee-power?

You better enjoy Christmas and New Year's, folks, 'cause the work starts soon thereafter.

Or, do little or nothing and remember the "Good Old Days" when all we had to worry about was the Brady Bill.

:(, Art
Art is right we can never say "We won", we just have to keep pushing harder and harder no matter how much we may push ahead!
We will never surrender ...

We raise the consciousness of all Americans with various means ... for example, please see my post elsewhere of The American Freedom Essay Contest ( http://www.freedomessay.org ).

To paraphrase Winston Churchill ...

We will fight gun bigots in the legislatures. We will fight them with demonstrations in the streets. We will fight them with billboards, on radio and on TV. We will fight them with boycotts. We will fight them with music. We will fight them on the Internet. We will fight them in the schools. We will never, never surrender.

"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. - - Winston Churchill

Churchill was ignored in the late 20's and early 30's when he warned the British about the Nazi's. Today, people scoff at the idea that the RKBA is in danger, or, conversely, that it is even relevant to our 'modern' society.

We are right and proper to be concerned about this ancient, fundamental right. And, we'll do what we have to do to retain this important freedom. That will involve actions on many fronts, and IMHO, we each need to pick our own areas of focus.

We can win this fight, but we need to keep fighting, and we need to fight with intelligence and skill. Regards from AZ
Whoever becomes the next president will do so in an extremely weakened state, will have a labor of Sisyphus to get the most modest policies implemented, and will, without doubt, be a one-termer. The only question is, which candidate to we really want to experience that?

2004 will be the most important election in our history. 2000 is small potatoes, in comparison.
Re: Ron Paul

Sandy Price,
We all know and love Ron Paul. I live just a half hour from his district's boundary but my folks live smack-dab in the middle of RP land. I volunteered on his reelection campaign, and we won 60-40 over his well-financed (over a million dollars)opponent Democrat Loy Sneary. Loy is a Lawyer, and through lots of letters to the editors, and other things, we were able to illustrate that Loy wasn't quite the character that Ron Paul is. Most here on TFL like Dr. Paul, and we hope you can get someone in GA of the same caliber. Good luck.
