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4-word minimum search size?


New member
What is up with the search engine? Used to be 3-word minimum, now 4 words. How are we supposed to search for all threads mentioning the Glock 20, for example and want to search under G20? Or, if we want to search for 9mm carbines? Can't type in 9mm.
I love this forum, but I'd have to agree.

The difference between a 4 letter search and a two or three letter can't be loading down the webserver that much.

4 letters never seems to be enough for anything I'm looking for.
This is a "hardship" that we will have to "endure" for only a short time. :rolleyes:

The server that TFL is on will soon be getting another half-gig of RAM. That should fix the problems that we've been having of late. The only other alternative is to shut down the search function completely. In view of that fact, I rather like the 4-letter search capability.

Remember that as our membership has grown to more than 13,000 members, our server has had to grow too. This requires great financial resources and countless hours of frustration on Rich's part to see to it that we can conduct our 3-letter searches 24/7.

My advice: Sit tight. Get creative. Use the search as best you can, and be thankful that we've got it at all.


P.S. On the contrary, DMK, going to a two-letter search from a three-letter search more than doubles the size of the index, IIRC.
Bluesman, I'm with you. I'll accept 4 letters over nothing. :)

For all of you keeping this thing running smoothly, thanks! For the amount of usage, this forum is amazingly responsive and reliable.
While 4 letter search words are preferrable to no search function, 4 is almost unuseable in getting a specific searches.
What if I want to look up CZ 75? If you combine them, you will only be able to find posts with the phrase CZ75 or CZ-75, which may or may not find all the relavent posts.

Can't search for 9mm, .45, .44 in combination with anything.
or practical identifiers like:
G17, G18, G19, G20, etc.

I'm not 100% sure how the indexes look, but I'd be happy to give the ability to search every sub-room of the forum, in exchange for 2 letter search capability. For instance, If I want to search for Sig 220 related posts, I'd bet that I'll get the most hits if I select to search in the Semi-Auto forum. No need to search a massive index covering the entire board.
Sorry, there is no help for this, unfortunately. Given the fact that I insist on eating, sometimes 3 times a day, I had to hit the road on business before the memory upgrade arrived. I'll get to it ASAP upon my return.

Hopefully, a 4 letter minimum for a week will not hobble anyone's lifestyle too seriously.

We don't write the software; we license it. However, if you'd like to make a constuctive contribution, I'll email you the source code. Perhaps you can put together a group to write the necessary revisions to allow for your individual preference. That would be most cool.
Whoa, Nellie! I didn't mean my original post to sound like I was ungrateful for what we have. I, like the rest of the TFL'ers, are very much in debt to Rich and the staff for the great opportunity to have a place like this. Rather, I was simply curious. If anything, I think the replies point out what a great resource this site is.

The search wont work at all for me. I've been trying to do a search on the Carbon 15 but it only recognizes the (15) and tell's me it doesn't meet the minium.
Next I type in Professional Ordnance Carbon 15 and I get the same rejection.
This place had the best search of all the gun boards so I hope it gets straightend out soon.