4 barrel pistol

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I would like some info on a pistol that I saw on the movie "Bad Boys". It is in th last few minutes of the movie. The bad guy pulls out a four barreled deringer that looks to be a 9mm. I want to know who makes it and if they have a web site. Also, I am looking for info on palm pistols, such as the Chicago Palm.. French Tribuzier.. French Gaulois.. Shattuck.. and other assorted palm or squeeze pistols. An example of the Chicago palm is in a Steven Segal movie, I think it was "Marked for Death". Any info would be greatly apreciated.
First of all, welcome aboard cfb3! Hope you have as much fun here on TFL as we do.

You'll find that almost everyone reads threads in all the forums, and especially the handgun forums. So there is seldom if ever a need to post duplicate threads. I'll close this one since the gun you have in mind is a derringer and not a semiauto and therefore this doesn't belong in the Semiauto forum.
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