4 AM Robbery

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New member
I just finished the book "The Best Defense" by R.Waters. After reading all of the horror stories about home robberies and assults i can hardly sleep at night. I have always been the alert type but never so paranoid.

Every peep and creak in the house has me reaching for my gun. I know im a bit paranoid. But i cant help but think what would i would do if i was burgularized at 4AM without being ready.

One of the things ive done is put a night light in the bathroom. with the door open, it lights up the hall. any shadows notify me of movement. Of course i cant sleep with one eye open all night, so what do ya do ? Also, even if i was awakened by a robber how could i quickly identify him before shooting in the dark? I would hate to shoot my girlfriend because she "looked big" or "diffrent" or "walked diffrent" . When all you have to go on are shadows you can never be sure. Am i supposed to yell "identify yourself" or "freeze" ?

I live in a decent apartment neighborhood and we have security doors (meaning you have to be buzzed into the building) and decent locks on the windows and front door. But what can i do to better my defense without killing someone i dont want to ?

Thanks in advance !

TIM : )
This may sound a little silly, but you could try one those battery operated travel door alarms. You hang it on the door knob and it goes off with any movement. I think Sharper Image makes on that that also serves as a smoke alarm and clock. Yeeeehaw!

Just give yourself a little time though to cool down from reading the book. I know it sometimes easier said than done, but don't let your paranioa consume you.

...Or get a dog! A well-trained German Shepherd will wake you up in time to get prepared, and may even handle it himself.

An apartment might be a little small though... Might need a yapper dog.

[This message has been edited by AKrob (edited November 16, 1999).]

Train your dog to shoot. Careful: dogs like to shoot at neighborhood cats as well as burglars...
I keep a mag light next to my gun, I have a deep and abiding fear of shooting a loved one on accident. Practice holding the flashlight alongside your gun, and flipping it on long enough to identify the target. I use the Harris method (I think thats what its called, I got it out of the Stress Fire book).

There is nothing scarier than a dog with a FAL.
My community does not allow dogs. Im moving to N.C in 6 months so i will have a dog just like the above pictured one. Only im getting 2 labs. one white,one black.





TIM : )
Labs also make great alarms--at least, mine can wake the entire family if there's a noise she doesn't like outside. She may not be a stone killer, but she SOUNDS more intimidating and more vicious than any dog I've ever heard and she's ink-black--in a dark room it sounds like there are ten of her.
Also I second the flashlight for ID; I don't have my defensive handgun yet but I bought my small flashlight a week ago after shooting in the dark with a friend. Once I get my pistol I plan to practice religiously with the light on the assumption that if I ever have to use my "house gun" it will probably be at night.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron


Hey, don't forget training with edged weapons and hand to hand.

- Ron V.


[This message has been edited by hksigwalther (edited November 16, 1999).]
You can put in a security system. It will definately let you know when someone even trys to get into your home. Even if you don't have it monitored, it will keep you from being surprised while you sleep. And you will usually get a 10% discount on your homeowner insurance too.

Good shootin to ya
I have 15 dogs, and I sleep very well at night (when they're not barking). When you do get your dogs, please get them from death row at the local shelter! You save their lives, they'll save yours. :)

And always, always, always keep a flashlight with your gun. I have one mounted on my shotgun, and another one in the bedside drawer with my Glock. Essential!

I have no experience with inanimate security systems, but you probably don't want to go that route if your moving in 6 months. The motion detecting travel alarm is a great idea, especially if you're not on the first floor, and you only have one or two doors into your apartment.

PS- I don't recommend training your dogs in edged weapons. Some of mine like to snatch the big pizza knife and run around the house with it. It's nearly impossible to disarm them. :)

[This message has been edited by boing (edited November 17, 1999).]
Actually, labs are not particularly good watchdogs(we have one). There are many breeds, however, that make good watchdogs, or guarddogs(there is a difference).

GO to http://www.petrix.com/dogsec/ for more information.

[This message has been edited by lucky085 (edited November 17, 1999).]
I would also recommend solid training too. One that teaches you how to engage a potential threat. If you have your gun ready, it is important to keep your finger outside the trigger guard, and to be able to evaluate and assess a potential target.
Almost any dog can serve as a good EWS (Early Warning System) - except for my brother's now deceased lab. She once heard a noise which set off the other dogs in the house, raised her head from the blanket, let out a token "woof", and went right back to sleep. Talk about lazy. I suppose it's how you train them.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary's right. It is how you train them. Our lab is in the top three for alertness, and ties for first with the border collie for the appearance of meanness. Both of them have tried to chew through the 14 gauge wire fence to get at visitors. :)

We haven't actually trained them at all, they're just never around other people so they're not socialized.
Get yourself a couple of English Mastiffs. They've got the best bark... they're a bit bigger than the Bull Mastiff in Turner and Hooch. They will slime your oppenet to death... just follow the slippery train to fingure out where everyone went. There's lots of towels in our house.


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Dalmations are famous for their poor hearing. When I helped a friend train his Dal, I made sure to use obvious hand signals with the verbal commands. Now the dog is damn near deaf, but responds to the hand signals well.

If you're good with dogs, I recommend Rottwielers or Akitas. Good training is necessary with either breed, or they'll own you.
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