4" 610?


New member
Another thread posted a pic of a 4" 610. Was this revolver ever really produced? Was it a custom conversion? How much would shortening a 6.5" barrel to 4" cost?
I don't know for sure, but I took that to be a "wish" ad that someone doctored up. I could be very wrong though. If they were to make one like that it would be very interesting.
Neil Casper
It just might...

...even be a cooler sixgun than my 625-4. And I have a pancake holster that would fit it nicely. What would be even swoopier would be a 10mm Mountain Gun...

Too bad *&* is still on my Fecal Agenda. :(
I'm not sure about the FOUR-inch 610...I know-from personal experience-that S&W DID make at least TWO production runs where they made at least SOME with a FIVE-inch barrel...very sweet-feeling...and sweet-shooting revos!!!...Kinda wish I had my five-inch back...guess I'll have to be content with the 6&1/2 inch-from the original run-that STILL resides in the 3-5-7 household...anybody ELSE know for sure??? Let us know!!!....mikey357
I was the one who posted the four inch 610. That ad was faxed to me along with some other new toys, like a 7 1/2" full lugged 657, from Leisure Sales. It is very real! They are sitting in Smith & Wesson's vault and probably already being shipped to distributors around the country. Only problem is, are there going to be enough of them shipped before the HUD agreement takes effect or S&W goes ahead and does something real stupid.

robert - is that going to be a PC item or a standard piece?

what would you say the expected street $$ would be?

I dont know that I could justify to myself (let alone to the mother of my children) getting a 4" 610 as a companion to my 625,

But I will tell you this much - I know for sure that I dont want Tamara on my case about lusting for a *&*

but its ok to look - right? - as long as I dont touch?

The four inch 610 will be part of S&W's standard line. Cost right now on a 6 1/2" 610 is about $480(+/-) and if I remember correctly, there will be a 6 or 7 percent price increase Jan 1st. A good, competitive dealer will only mark up 10% over cost plus shipping.

I have a weakness for two material things in life, bikes and guns. And the best of the best in these categories are fine Italian bikes (any kind!) and S&W N frames. I'm just a S&W "Ho". Can't help it!

Robert- At this stage in my shooting career, there are very few pieces I still want.A 4" 610 is one of them. If you hear of their release, I do hope you will post it.If you were a little older we could have been neighbors, as I "originated" in Ligonier.-Wally
I called S&W and the guy I talked to kinda laughed at me. "Haven't heard that one before!" he said. The plot thickens.

I called back just now and gave them the product code off that flyer in the other post. According to that guy, this 610 has a 3 7/8" barrel and was designed for display at the upcoming SHOT show. It is not in production.

[Edited by AndABeer on 12-20-2000 at 10:56 AM]
Robert, would you care to post that pic again, or maybe someone could link us to where it is?
i am thinking of getting a 610 and having it cut down, thanks for any info.
So S&W lied to you the first time you called them and then when you had the actual product number, the story changed again. There is only one gun for display at Shot Show?

I've got acquaintances inside the loop of the S&W saga. Things are far worse than what anyone thinks. Was told by one person that these guns are in a vault ready for shipment. They gave me the product codes and I have no reason to doubt them. S&W does not spend hundreds of dollars on color product release fliers for one prototype gun. The guns exist!

And if they don't deliver, I know how to make one! Every man has his limitations. I'm not buying from a S&W "authorized" store.

This is a faxed copy. My fax machine bites. Seen the originals, they are authentic.


If I can tell all the dirty details of what is going on at S&W, it would really make you flip out.

PREEEETTTTTYYYYY, <drool> MUST GET ONE>>..............

ok, now your costing me MORE money. dang i have to quit haning around these boards.

thanks for the post!