$4.2 million in one day!!

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The Ron Paul campaign received more than $4.2 million dollars on November 5, 2007. This is not counting donations which may have been mailed in on that day.

This beats the $3.1 million record set by Mitt Romney back in January.

Not bad for the 33 supporters of Ron Paul!!;)
Someone else came up with it but I thought it was nice line:

'Who knew all those spambots could donate money too?"
Wonder how much came from the KKK, Stormfront, and other white supremacist and "anti-zionist" groups that support him? Or from our enemies and those who support them, hoping that he'd follow through on his promises to reduce our foreign agenda to that of hiding under the bed, ensuring that their expansion of extremist islam is completely unchecked?

Investigation of donors could prove fascinating. I hope someone does so.
Wonder how much came from the KKK, Stormfront, and other white supremacist and "anti-zionist" groups that support him?

Wooooooooooooooooooooooow. And i thought us RP supporters are supposed to be the conspiracy theorists :rolleyes:

Or from our enemies and those who support them, hoping that he'd follow through on his promises to reduce our foreign agenda to that of hiding under the bed, ensuring that their expansion of extremist islam is completely unchecked?

More like closing the front door and waiting by the window with an 870.
No conspiracy theory. If you have a strong stomach and take a shower afterwards, go peruse some of the sites like Stormfront or the ones ranting about the "zionist agenda". They're totally behind him.

I don't think Paul supports them. I do think he's too stupid and naive to realize that he should tell them to go away.

More like closing the front door and waiting by the window with an 870.

While they're allowed to amass vast armies, then come surround your house, or just set off a nuke next to your house. As opposed to eliminating the threat OVER THERE before it comes here.

Yup. Like I said. Naive. Both RP and his supporters. No concept of how the world works.
. As opposed to eliminating the threat OVER THERE before it comes here

More Republican fear mongering. I believe we have likely created more enemies than we have killed with our prolonged occupation of Iraq.
Let's not go off of the deep end here, guys.

I hate to say this, but 4.2 million dollars is not a lot of money anymore.

For example, I know that within a mile of my home an out-of-state dentist paid roughly that much for a house. I used to work for dentists, and I can attest to their quasi-status as "wealthy doctors." They ain't.

Personally, I think the real impact on RP is on the jargon, not the money.

A few days ago I heard the word "grassroots" for the first time. When you hear that word, it usually means that the "undecided" tide is shifting.

I believe that demographic actually tips elections. Anyone can spend money.
More Republican fear mongering. I believe we have likely created more enemies than we have killed with our prolonged occupation of Iraq.

I guess you missed the 80,000 people in a stadium in Pakistan cheering on an imam bellowing about "next America" in their new global caliphate of extremist Islam...
No matter what you do you are going to have enemies, best to keep them out of your house.

You are correct, and our opponents in Iraq would certainly agree with you. Thats one reason they continue to fight us.

I guess you missed the 80,000 people in a stadium in Pakistan cheering on an imam bellowing about "next America" in their new global caliphate of extremist Islam...

I guess you missed the fact that we aren't fighting in Pakistan.
A few days ago I heard the word "grassroots" for the first time. When you hear that word, it usually means that the "undecided" tide is shifting.

Well, here in NH, "grassroots" has mostly meant a carpetbagging bunch of Ron Paul supporters who keep getting themselves arrested for declaring they don't need licenses and registrations to drive, and then have to be carried because they won't obey the police orders to get out of the car...

Last night, a bunch of them were protesting at a jail in Manchester, wearing "V" masks...and Ron Paul shirts. They're claiming that one of them arrested for driving 72 in a 55 zone and not having a license is a "political prisoner".

Whatever. :rolleyes: Their comedic antics have basically killed all support for the guy among local residents, that's for sure.
A few days ago I heard the word "grassroots" for the first time. When you hear that word, it usually means that the "undecided" tide is shifting.
My understanding is that "grassroots" refers more to the method of expanding the number of supporting voters, rather than who the vote is shifting toward.

It's almost exclusively used to describe campaigns for candidates who don't have the money or media support to get attention that way, but there's no particular reason why Hillary, for instance, couldn't use a grassroots campaign entirely or in addition to the usual media garbage. Doesn't mean a grassroots campaign would help her, but I think the term would still apply.
Manedwolf, the idea of free men deciding on anything is ugly--fun to watch--but messy. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Personally, I don't want a wealthy family--who drowns their pregnant mistresses, for example--to run this country akin to hosting a barbeque.

One of the longest running governors in my state was Tommy Thompson. He was loud, brash, every unpracticed quip was a flirtation with disaster, and he was good for business. The liberals hated him, despite the fact they still throw education finances around like Monopoly money.

Every year, Tommy and a pack of business hooligans took a motorcycle jaunt around Madison, stopping at saloons, mocking the liberals and making redmeat sound bytes for the communist press we have here. Man, I want Tommy back.

Do you want a free Republic, or a beknighted oligarchy? I'll stick with messy, I don't have to buy new clothes.
No conspiracy theory. If you have a strong stomach and take a shower afterwards, go peruse some of the sites like Stormfront or the ones ranting about the "zionist agenda". They're totally behind him.

I don't think Paul supports them. I do think he's too stupid and naive to realize that he should tell them to go away.

While that does make some sense... have you ever known a politician to tell anyone "Hey, I dont like you! please DO NOT vote for me!"

I support Ron Paul as well. I doubt he can make things any worse than they are now, and honestly, I think he will improve things a bit. I think its high time we quit playing 'world police' and started minding our own business.

While they're allowed to amass vast armies, then come surround your house, or just set off a nuke next to your house. As opposed to eliminating the threat OVER THERE before it comes here.

Last I heard they dont have any real navies or an airforce to speak of. The'yre also too busy fighting among themselves to to organise and build something like that. I doubt they'd send their invading armies one unarmed, hijacked plane at a time. Leave them alone for a while they will go right back to their tribal warfare.
RedneckFur said:
I think its high time we quit playing 'world police' and started minding our own business.

I also think we should stop being cops--but we should still be merchants.

For example, Japan has a very strong anti-nukes profile, and considering the last war, I don't blame them.

But Japan makes the best steel and steel products. For the USA to wrinkle up their collective noses would be a sad act.

Personally, I don't care if the Middle-Eastern countries run their internal political profiles like a slave-ship, as long as they sell us oil, goats and cheap sand. When the citizens have had enough, they'll revolt and we can help them at that time. Right now, they think a "ballot" is a Russian dance company.

And I am serious right now. I believe that financial relationship we have with Canada (think about it) has more of a real-world impact on the USA citizens than that of the Middle-East. We buy/sell more things with Canada than just oil. I think we should get our own heads screwed on straight.
I think its high time we quit playing 'world police' and started minding our own business.

Agree, with a growing third world population in our country, outsourcing,
manufacturing plants shutting down, military recruiting more difficult, the
question I have is what will the end results be for our country. We police
the world along with sending billions to various countries simply we cannot
sustain this forever.

If attack retaliate with brute force and then leave..................

Ron Paul may be the answer to slow the process or turn it around for
certain the current crop running for office show no leadership in my
Some extremely negative comments here have QUITE OBVIOUSLY decided to NOT TAKE THE HIGH ROAD.

It doesn't detract from the target, but rather, is reflected on the originator. :) At least to those with an adult's sense of value.
Wonder how much came from the KKK, Stormfront, and other white supremacist and "anti-zionist" groups that support him? Or from our enemies and those who support them, hoping that he'd follow through on his promises to reduce our foreign agenda to that of hiding under the bed, ensuring that their expansion of extremist islam is completely unchecked?

Investigation of donors could prove fascinating. I hope someone does so.


Wonder how much came from the KKK, Stormfront, and other white supremacist and "anti-zionist" groups that support him? Or from our enemies and those who support them, hoping that he'd follow through on his promises to reduce our foreign agenda to that of hiding under the bed, ensuring that their expansion of extremist islam is completely unchecked?

Now thats not very nice is it ? :D
And just to be clear, I do support Ron Paul 100 %.
Congrats to RP and his supporters. Nice chunk of change dontated, I am sure it has all other presidential hopefuls scared. Again, congrats, not that it will matter. RP wont get the nod
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