3rd times the charm?


New member
Wanted to tell you all about my PP-32.and see if this has happen to you. Years ago I bought a PP-32 and got real good with it that I was so comfortable I carried it every were,but I got to the point were I kept reading Bigger was better so I traded it at a local gunshop was not happy went back and mine was gone I was heart broken.But I ran into this man I knew and he told me he bought a PP-32 from the same shop and the numbers matched talked him out of it and it was back but not for long for 3 months later I decided to try something els and so off to another gun shop and off it went and again I was sorry and again it was sold when I went back,heart broke again I went though 5 months carrying something I was not that happy with or comfortable..But one day I was at a Flea market I saw on a table was this PP-32 I got this feeling that's mine I asked the guy how much and bought it the price was right and on the chance hopeing it WAS mine
got home and the numbers match I was HAPPY..
so here it is now 2 year's later and it's not going any place that I am not with it and it is with me all the time...
Hello. Oh, yes, many of us have done the very same thing. I recall trading S&W M36s back and forth 5 times in a 7 day period. A good friend of mine, now deceased, gave me some sage advice that I've finally been able to go by: "Son, when you get a good gun or a gun you like, you need to keep it." Best.