38spl load data disparity?


New member
So I was researching a load for 38spl. 125g hornady XTP with HP-38. Its for a 38spl gun (not 357).

Hornady lists
10th edition 5.7g as max
11th edition 5.4g as max, with 5.7g at +p max

Hodgdon lists
4.9g as max, with 5.3g as max +p

Seems odd to me that Hornady's current standard pressure max is over Hodgdon's +p max..... I have run into a few variations over the years but not quite to this level.
Certainly different test guns, possibly different lot# powder, cases and primers, and then there's the possible difference in pressure measuring systems and their calibration and the different tester's decision on what point to stop at and call it max.

All these play a part, and are valid reasons why data resulting from different tests with different components at different times can give different results.

Over the years I've shot guns with loads that were too hot for them, but below "max" levels and also shot guns with loads above someone's max level where the gun almost literally looks back and says "that's all you got??" :rolleyes:

Every combination of ALL the factors is slightly different from each other. Identical test results are serendipity. Similar results are the usual. Vastly different results are not common, but not impossible.

There are two ends and a middle to the bell curve.
I like that. Guides not gospel... To many people take them as 'literal' and will blow something up if not 'exact'. Ie. go to 5.8gr and kaboom. Not... Looks like you just need to work up a load. No way you can blow anything up from x grains to 5.7gr , Find the velocity and accuracy you are looking for in the process. :)
Agreed. I have about 6 manuals i cross reference before i start working up a load jusr to make sure im in the right ballpark before i start.