.380 for a lady

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New member
Hi professionals! Mr. Don't Know Much would like to buy a .380 for his wife, preferrably a Beretta Model 84 Cheetah. The reason for this is because she has a small grip (5'2", 103lbs.), high capacity bullets, and controllability of such a small caliber.
Does anyone have any experience with this particular gun? Or maybe someone else can recommend another .380 like,say, the Taurus PT 938? Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree and a 9mm is the way to go.
Please help the ignorant. :)
oh and no DAOs please.
Thanks in advance pros!
Greetings BMC; If an auto loader is the
user's choice; I would prefer a Sig-Sauer
P228 in 9m/m. 9m/m is the smallest caliber
that many of us on this forum accept for
personal defense. Of course, shot placement
superceeds all other considerations. Loaded
with Fereral's 124 grain Hydra Shok's; the
P228 makes an excellent personal defense
weapon. But, you had better hurry; cause
Sig P228's are becoming increasingly hard
to find !!!

Ala Dan
The Beretta is a good choice because it is a locked breech design (easier to rack, less jarring recoil) and, IMO, it improves on the Colt Pony/Mustang in all respects except for size.

My wife and I have a collection of 380's. We share a md 84, a ppk/s and a colt 380 government md. We both are CCH licensed, so I think we can offer some comments.

My particular beretta md84 is not a locked breach and has a very wide grip which fits my hands nicely, but iw a bit wide for my wife. It is a light gun, but has a sharp recoil that she does not like. Two maybe three magazines and she is done for the day (by the way of comparison, she will shoot our 40s&w P9 all day long). Our recent PPK/S we purchased shot well, but has a problem of breaking ejector's. It is smaller, thinner and easier to shoot, but I am not convinced of reliability. I will probably go shooting it friday (it just came back from the shop prior to a trip). Finally there is the colt 380 government model. This has turned into our shared carry gun. It is thin, solid steel, locked breach and accurate. I have found our factory stock one to be 100% reliable and is currently sitting in my truck for the next time I leave for work.

My recommendation is to try out the 84 in your hand, it has a big grip. If it feels good, it is a 100% reliable gun with a bit of a kick. Otherwise try the colt 380 line. Either the lightweight or the steel ones would be great. By the way I will probably grab another colt 380 before they disappear off the shelves.

Good luck.

SIG P230 or 232. I picked my 230SL up for $325 with a case manual and two 7 round mags.
This was at a gun shop, they claimed it was used. to me it appeared unfired (factory grease, uncrinkled plastic bags manual not opened, test target etc).
I think it was a leftover from the current 232 production.
Look around, this is a fine shooter excellent craftsmanship. My wife is 5'2"
also and shoots this well.
She likes my S&W Sigma 40v better tho.
Take the slide off and look at the fit and finish of the parts you can't see.
The alloy frame version is lighter than the all steel SL I have.

Master Blaster
I have both the Walther PPK/S (German made)and a SIG 230. For a woman I'd recomment the SIG 230.

Although I like the PPK, the SIG has less of a "bite" to its recoil.

IMO - avoid the American made PPK's


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Thanks for your input pros! More importantly my wife thanks you for your recommendations.
I guess I'll just get her a big rolling pin or something. :)
But seriously, we'll be taking your recommendations next time we go to the firearms store.
The Beretta .380's are SUPER!!! If your Wife has small hands then you will want to consider the 85F. It has a single stack mag(8) and the grip is smaller than the 84 or 86. I have fired about 1000 rounds with mine and have not had a single problem yet. They have gone a little overboard with the safety features though. Take care
I second the 85F (8+1) is plenty of firepower if she can hit what she shoots at. I also have a 232, great gun, but lighter, with more perceived recoil and muzzle flip, the 85 is a bit easier to shoot. Plan B SIG 239 in 9mm - same overall size as the 232 or 85F, 8+1 9mm firepower, locked breech for less recoil - mine's a pussycat to shoot. Good luck - M2
My wife really likes her Sig 230 SL. It is a little heavier than the non-stanless models but that is really part of what she likes, the weight increases her control with the "hotter" loads. Also, the function is positive & flawess even with her "weaker" wrist and light frame. No smoke stacks here, it throws the spent brass 10 or 12 foot!
My vote is for the sig 230.Fullproof weapon.We had an individual that had a jam problem so we tested the weapon.Shooting it with just thumb and forefinger it functioned perfectly.Turned out he was putting a finger on the slide and decreaseing the slide speed makeing it jam.No one else could make it jam and second magazine I fired I had a 1.5 inch group at 7 yards.I think you have a hard time beating this gun,JMO

I bought my wife the Beretta 85 single stack .380 and the Colt Govt. 380 and had it customized by SM&A. I let her go to the shop and handle and dry fire both before I bought them, she definetly wanted one with a manual safety and they both fit the bill. I ran at least 300 rounds through the Beretta and not a single malfunction. My wife, though, found the location of the safety very uncomfortable when racking the slide.

I'd have your wife go to a range where they rent them and have her go through some and see not only if it feels good shooting but also doing tap, rack, bangs.

My wife hasn't had the opportunity to fire the Colt yet.

If she can get past the the fact that the Sig 230 doesn't have a manual safety. I'd give them a serious look. If I had it to do all over again I'd have my wife reconsider and get one of those, if she still wants a .380. Although the last time she shot she did like the Glock 19, but that's a different story. :)

Good luck with your choice
Ross T.
And don't forget about getting some good training!
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