Generally quality firearms. Though best obviously to be able to practice, still try handling, loading, unloading. Dry firing means pulling the trigger unloaded. Though you don't want to do that too much..being doubly (triply) sure unloaded, you can aim (always away from you and not at someone (innocent) even unloaded...and practice/get the feel of pulling the trigger in both action modes (hammer back=trigger most sensitive for imminent fire; hammer down=more difficult (but safe(r) for novice) trigger pull. Being a double action--see above two modes but look up on wikipedia (etc) for basics of what that means-- revolver, it's not going to just go "bang" in your hand if you stay away from the trigger and hammer esp when loaded. Speaking of when loaded, never (ever) have your finger on the trigger or within the triggerguard unless fully in the position/mode of intending (that you'll be) shooting...a bad guy in the house.
Assuming you can "come by" some ammo, you'll have to sort out the legality there of owning and/or discharging a firearm, I.e. is it ok for self defense at least within your home?...and whether worth it (to you) for emergency use only--as in threat to you or family vs an intruder w/in your home at least. (My guess is that you probably wouldn't want to be caught just carrying it around if illegal). Even (or especially?) considering legality of owning or carrying a firearm in the first place, also be very aware of who's got the (most) rights in your country in the unfortunate eventuality of a shooting (by you) in your home--you or the intruder (incl his/her survivors should it come to that).