38 Keith


New member


They look very close as Mr. Keith intended em to be ???

How much tin ya runnin in the alloy Lynn ??

Here`s my 2 versions of the "Keith" boo- - - bullet.

I didn't weigh these but they will be right close to 170 or just over. This alloy came from Clint over at castboolits to which I added no tin. Just straight air cooled wheel weights. I love this mold. It cast easy & the bullet fall with only a lite strike to the hinge pin. The boolit isn't overly large as the .358 die only cleans it up a bit.
VERY NICE indeed. :D

One of these days, I will have to get with you on some of your Keith's to try out in my hand cannons. I have spoken about it before but if you keep on teasing me with those "GLAMOR" shots and I'll have to break down and do it. :D:D
I'm a fan of the bullet also. My observations of loads I've used them in, the faster the better accuracy. E.G. a load of of 5 grains of unique gave mediocre accuracy while a Keith like load gave me a 3" group at fifty yards out of a 6" S&W M-28. That's using 38 spec. brass and both loads are higher and much higher than 38 spec. saami specs.
It seems one of the better loads with this bullet is 15 grains of H110. Now this is a big load for large frame sixguns.

I've had good luck with 5.5 grains of Unique in my S&W M-19 which is very accurate in the 4" barrel. When I was banging silhouettes I used a S&W 586 & it loved 5.5 grains of WW231. All these loads were in 357 Mag brass with the bullet seated to the crimp groove.
I used the rcbs swc when I was shooting 19s and 66s, but my current M-28's cylinder is too short to allow using the crimp groove on the Keith bullet in .357 brass. .38 brass works good for me.
I think I'd give up a little off the nose to be able to use them in .357 cases. May also stabilize a bit better @ lower velocities.....ya'll quit! I don't cast for .38, haven't loaded for it in years and have no interest in it now!

Who makes that mould?:rolleyes:
Dang it you made me spit tea on the floor and keyboard.....Mike / TX

Sorry Mike. :D I loaded and fired hundreds of thousands of .38's when I was a PPC competitor and haven't been much interested in them since I stopped doing the comp thing 12+ years ago.
I got into high-powered sporting rifles for a bit, then slowed down to large and medium bore leverguns w/ cast bullets. Now the 92 is looking good to me and the 38 seems a good choice for a fun plinker. I like Lyman's 452424 bullet so naturally this one caught my eye.