.38 Dominion brand Brass?


New member
I "found", digging thru my loading closet, 5 lbs of once fired Dominion (CIL) brand (Canadian Industries Limited) .38sp brass. Looks good. Sometime in the past I tumbled and sized it, I believe.

Any one have any experience with this brand?? It's pure surplus for me so I guess I could always sell it for recycle.


It's an old brand, but lots of folks used to reload it just fine, so I would go ahead and use it. Try light target loads first, to be sure splits don't develop due to it having been subjected to ammonia vapors or other things accidentally.
Dominion was a premium brand ammo back in the day. Can’t say what the cases you have are like but I sure wouldn’t be worried about them.
THX, Unclenick,

I've been lucky, to have a ton of once fired .38 brass in large quantities of several head stamps. So I only load Win brand. Guess I'll put it up for sale. I don't have enough posts on this board, in spite of being a member since June of 2010. But I'm okay on some other boards.

THKS, again,
I've run across the odd box or two of Dominion brass in .30-30 or .308 over the years, never found it to be any different than other brass. It loaded and shot normally for me.

With today's "shortages of everything" market, the brass is worth more (to some reloader) than its scrap metal value.

5lbs sounds like a lot. I'd do a rough sort (tossing out any obvious bad cases) and bag it either in 100 or 500 batches and put it up for sale or trade.

If your local gun shop sells fired brass they'll probably take it, but I doubt they'll give you much, if anything over scrap price.