38/357 Revolver Accuracy

Not sure if this is what you mean,but w/ my GP100,I'm always more accurate w/ full house 357's than w/ 38's.Maybe it's because I have a better grip(anticipating the recoil).After Hogue grips the 357's are pretty easy to take
357's tend to be very finicky when it comes to 38 Special loads. Some 357's are extremely accurate with 38's, some are not. I suggest you try several brands and bullet weights in 38 or develope your own handloads to find an accurate combination.
.38 Specials as fired from the barrel of my 6" Smith & Wesson
686-5 are definitely more accurate than any .357
magnum load's, that I've tried.:cool: :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Different guns.....like different loads.

I have a 6" 19 that will do under 1" at 25yds with a particular load in .38spec case. Havent tried to find a stout load that accurate for it. Haven't seen the need. Same gun puts Cor-Bon defensive .357 in 2½" at same distance....good nuff for me.

My other .357s like their loads individually tailored for tack driving but they will all put nearly any ammo in a playing card at 25yds.

But only when the shooter is functional.

When I first got my Performance Center 8 shot 627 I installed it in my Ransom Rest and ran a buch of stuff I had on hand through it to see how it shot. I shot some .38 HBWC's, 125 JHP +P .38's and some different weight magnum loads. I like to shoot 2 cylinders at 25 yds to get a good idea of a revolvers capabilitys. I found that with very frew exceptions, the .38 loads generally shot better than the .357 loads. The .38 HBWC's shot the best out of them all.
In my S&W 65 most .357 loads are more accurate than .38. Even the most accurate .38 ammo I've tried is barely better than the least accurate .357. I may find a brand and load of .38 that works great but so far, while cheap, fun and reasonably accurate, it doesn't nearly match a .357 in the gun. As a result I will soon be getting another dedicated .38 (in addition to a snub I'll be getting a S&W Model 10 or I'll replace my Taurus 82 soon).
...twist rate

A PPC gun with a 6" Douglas Barrel with a twist rate of 1in14" will print standard hollowbase wadcutters loaded in 38 special cases, standard primer, 2.7grns of Bullseye --seated flush with the rim and lightly roll crimped had better print ---and the operator able to do so----1" at 50yds or you will not progress to the Nationals much less the World Championships NRA Police Pistol Championships but -------what do I know-right?

Don Mallard
My 6" 686 is extremely accurate firing 357 loads - does not seem to be as accurate with 38 Specials. Although I have shot very few 38 loads through this gun as compared to 357's. Will load up some 38's next time and test accuracy.