360 revolver barrel issue...


New member

Just now noticed the barrel/shroud assembly on my S&W 360 has play in it. Not front to back, but rotational play, left to right. I looked at frame under bright light ( and with my trusty reading glasses ) and couldn't see any signs of frame cracking, or anything else odd looking.......This is an older 38 special version that was uncataloged when I bought it; the one that came with 2 sets of stocks.......

I've contacted S&W customer service via e-mail, but haven't heard back from them yet.....

I'm pretty sure that I DON"T WANT TO SHOOT this gun in the shape that it's in?

Any thoughts on what may have happened here?


Mike M.
The factory didn't tighten it down enough. They'll send you a letter authorizing you to return it to a factory warranty station.