.357Sig Full Size Suggesions?

Chris Pinkleton

New member
I cuurently own a G33 for CCW. I would like a full size .357Sig as a stablemate for it, preferably with 2-3 full capacity magazines. It will take me a while to save up my pennies, but I plan on getting it in the next 7-14 months. Here are the guns I'm considering:

1) G31 -- seems like the logical choice, good deals in the area, and hi-caps .40s should fit both the 31&33.

2) G35w/replacement barrel -- all the advantages of the 31, with higher muzzle velocity and longer sight radius.

3) Para-ord P14 w/replacement barrel -- does someone make a .357 barrel for this? I like the glock action, but I love the 1911 action. I hear these can be converted to 10mm -- the idea of such a triple-conversion gun seems a worthy project to me.

4) A P-series Sig of some sort -- never fired or handled one of these, and I'm not particularly fond of da/sa actions, but many folks seem highly enamored of their accuracy, handling and reliability.

This gun will be used for home defence, IDPA, possible rare CCW applications and fun.

My critieria--(in order of importance)
1) reliability
2) value per dollar spent
3) accuracy
4) FUN factor!!(Hard to quantify, I know.)

Any help from order and wiser heads on this one?
Full size .357Sig?
Well, you can never go wrong with P226, or get an original P229, which was developed specifically for this calibre.
You may also look at the Glocks you mentioned in your post.
"...P229, which was developed specifically for this calibre."

Well, actually, it was developed for the .40 Auto; the .357 SIG came along later.

If you want a full-size pistol, go for the P226/.357SIG and add a .40Auto and/or 9mmP barrels to make your pistol 3-caliber capable. :)
Let's not forget the Glock 20 10mm which you can add a 40 and 357 barrel to. I currently own two of these and have the 40 barrel which works great. All the other Glock you mentioned are great as well and I love my P226 and P229 as well. I personally wouldn't bother with the ParaOrd.
The Glock 20 sounds interesting -- how availible are hi-cap mags? Could I use the standard hi-cap .40s?

Why should I forget about the Para-Ord? Relibility issues? I like the feel of the fat 1911 -- I have large hands.
hello, i was kinda wondering the same thing about getting a full size 357sig,
glock31 sounds like a good investment
but the hs2000 sounds like it will be the one to get in the near future, either that or a steyr m
For a full sized 357 sig, get the 229sport, it really was designed specifically for the sig and the 40 as an afterthought. Great gun, exceptionally accurate and near perfect trigger (but expensive).
229 is not a full-size. I'd say the SIG 226, but you won't find any 13-rounders for it. Glock looks like the only choice.
I have a sig 229.It's not full size but it shoots the 357 even more accurately than the .40's and it shoots .40's great.You wouldn't regret owning one.
I just made the leap with .357Sig and chose to do it with the SIG P-226. I wanted a full size platform as well, but the need for hi-caps isn't as big a concern for me--if you get ten rounds of .357, the 11th just doesn't seem that urgent a concern when you've got a couple more 'easy to obtain' ten round mags to lay hands on.

For it's part the 226 is extremely accurate and has less perceived recoil than either of my .40S&W pistols. It feels a bit bulky in my palm and the 226's grip is not near as comforting as my P225, but it meets all my requirements for a superb quality full size .357Sig.

I got mine with a spare 10 round magazine, nitron finished stainless slide, and stippled grips new-in-the-box for $669. I am utterly pleased with my choice and have no regrets about the decision.
SIG P-series would be a good choice but I'd also suggest that you try the SIG Pros as well. It's not that I don't love my 226 and 225, but I really love my SIGPros.

(shudder) Glock M31.


"all my ammo (except 357 SIG) is factory ammo"
Why would you want to use the SIG357 for IDPA?
Recoil is high and the round is too expensive to practice with. Get a 9mm for IDPA. Practice, Practice, Practice!
Without getting into a caliber war. The 9mm is the easiest round to shoot in competitive combat situations. For CCW the 9mm is not the best but that is another story.
As far as the "Fun Factor" goes - I can shoot the 9mm all afternoon. The 357SIG leaves my ears ringing and my wrist numb after about 200 rounds.
Recoil too high???

Might I ask what loads you were using? I've used lots of rounds from many manufacturers and the recoil is the same with each; somewhere between a 9mm and .40.
I love my 229, hi-caps are available but you will pay for them. If you already have a Glock and are happy with it I would get another one, The advantages are you can use the hi-caps in both guns, and your learning curve will be less.