.357mag hunting load


New member
hey guys, just thought I would share a load I was working on today. trying to get to a nice hunting load, hopefully for hog if I can find any. I bought a box of 158gr Sportsmaster semi-jacket HP's from Sierra and got out the old H110, which I have been avoiding for over a year since the recoil from revolvers feels like a baseball bat to the palm. No matter how high of a load in 357mag, they are all pretty comfortable from the 20" rossi. anyways, I had access to a chrony today and got some impressive numbers while staying a good bit away from max loadings. Let me preface with, I don't have the desire, or the property to shoot a hog over 100yards, maybe I would stretch out to 125yard, but I am not very accurate at those distances yet with my stock irons on the 92. I did a work up from 15gr to 16.5gr of H110 with 158gr bullet, CCI mag and a pretty strong roll crimp. found good accuracy from 16.2 and was still yielding an impressive 1580FPS-1620FPS. I was expecting to be in the low 15's, but I guess that extra 10" of barrel means something.

75 yards. bags in the back and 2x4's up front. good shooting for me.

I didn't just come here to hear myself talk, I promise. I have never hunted ANYTHING outside of popping a couple possums with a .22. Do these loads seem sufficient for hog? I assume they are fine for deer. Or should I just stick with the soft-point flat nose? should I just stick with my .300black supers and forget about the 357? I wasn't sure if to do handloading section, but I think this is where I would get first hand experience. and if you could share your .357 pet loads for hog, I am all ears.

I'd want something heavier for hogs, but they shuld work on the smaller ones.

Shot placement will make all the difference
That's a good load, but I would rethink your bullet choice of semi-jacketed HP's for hunting. They work great for rib shots, but not so good if they hit shoulder or other big bone. There are huge improvements in pistol hunting bullets today.

Hornady XTP is one example with an excellent track record for hunting.
okay thanks guys. i'll save these for deer or yote if I ever see any within a range I feel comfortable shooting the lever with. on paper, they seem like impressive loads and I did jug tests that show some amazing expansion while retaining weight, but I see why HP would not be the best choice for a piggy
I usially use a 158 grain Hornady bullets for hunting. I load them to about 2000 FPS from my carbines. They seem to work just fine.

I have been tinkering with the hornady 140 grain HP bullets (not the lever revolutions) over Power Pro 300 MP. It seems to be very accurate from my Ruger 77/357 and decent from my Marlin.