.357 loads that wearout revolvers?


New member
It's well known that shooting a steady diet of 125 gr. 1450 fps loads in a.357 revolver will cause forcing cone erosion and much wear and tear. This led to the development of the Smith L frame and Ruger GP100 revolvers.

Question: Are the 110 grain loads and the 125 grain reduced velocity loads as tough on guns?
What about the 158 grainers?
Flame cutting and forcing cone erosion are all part of normal wear and tear in all Magnum revolvers. None are immune from the process. The flame cutting reaches a certain point and stops. The forcing cone will have to be cut very so often to keep the gun in top shape. Neither is very serious. Just shoot and have fun!

From ZeusOne's Magnum Rules:

"If you even suspect wear & tear, buy another gun or two in the same caliber so that you can spread it over several pieces!"

Wear and Tear

Just as firearms as any other tool or machine will eventually show signs of "wear and tear" so does the human body. So be it . We don"t want to lock ourselves in the closet to preserve our bodies and I agree with 41Mag free. Use it or lose it! My solution .Buy enough 44 Mags so that if they wear out , you can pull an addidavit and go get a new version.
In a modern magnum rated revolver I wouldn't worry at all.