35 Remington - pros & cons


New member
My dad used one for forty-some years to hunt northeastern whitetail with. He often said it was better in brush and willows than some other heavy calibers {though he would have swapped it for a 30-06 if he could've}. He has since quit hunting and sold the rifle {without telling me first}. I only got to shoot it a few times when I was a kid. There was a sort of understanding that it was my dad's and only my dad's.

Anybody else here that have experience with the .35? Someday I may buy one if for no other reason than sentimental value.
Yes, I used one for a number of years...

Very good short range cartridge. Anything over 150 yards, though, and you're out of your league.

Recoil is moderate, accuracy is more than acceptable out of most guns (the one I used was a Marlin), and the guns are relatively cheap.

The .35 is one of the more popular deer cartridges in Pennsylvania, where I grew up. LOTS of new and old .35s in the woods.

I only wish that Savage had made their 99 in .35 Rem. Would have been a PERFECT match.
Solitar, I have a 35 Rem. in a Marlin model 336. I have had mine since 1973. I don't use it much now a days. It shoots like a house of fire. I load for this rifle. Your father was right about it being a good brush gun. Quite frankly I think that they are more than good brush gun as long as your shot isn't beyond 125 yds. It was one of the first rifles I owned and I don't think that I'll ever sell it. I paid $74.00 for this rifle back then. I've killed deer as well as wildhogs with this rifle. Best of luck....Cag
I understand the brushbusting ability of the .35 Rem was limited by the 1-16" twist. The same bullet in a 358 Winchester (1-12" twist) is less likely to be tumbled by contact with a minor twig.

I've found the best recipe for brush country is a low power scope. My eyes are good enough to hit a deer with a peep, but just old enough that I may hit a small branch on the way.

I have a soft spot for the .35 Remington. It was my first 'real' hunting rifle, with which I got my first deer. For a while it was my only rifle, and I shot it year-'round, using hollowpoint 158 gr. pistol bullets for woodchucks in the summer. I pretty nearly shot out the barrel in that Marlin.

I like the caliber, because of all the .30-30 class cartridges, it is most effective; more so than you would expect from its paper ballistics. Yet anyone can shoot it, as the recoil and report are very mild.

I don't own a .35 Rem. rifle any more, but when the chance came to pick up a Contender barrel in the caliber at a good price, a few years ago, I did so. Glad to still be shooting .35 Rem.! --slabsides

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.