35 Plain base checks


New member
Got my 35 plain base checkmaker from Pat Marlin a couple days ago. What a neat toy, er tool.

I put some on 165gr RF .357 yesterday. I shot this load 2 weeks ago and it left a little lead in the barrel. Instead of cleaning it out and adjusting the load, I waited for these gas checks. I shot 24 with the same load (just gas checked now) and looked. The barrel was spotless and the accuracy of the boolits was actually alot better to it seemed.

I tried these checks on the 357156 Lyman. I had to double them, but they fit like a champ. Guess I dont have to buy any more checks for that boolit.

I have some 9mm loaded for my brother. We've had fits getting rid of the lead in the 9's, but I've been waiting to try this out since I've never found a gas checked 9mm mold. I think this will work perfect, but we have to wait till the snow leaves so we can find the brass.

I love this new tool. I get 84 gas checks from a Pepsi can. Its very easy to use.
Pics of just how this is accomplished would be very helpful. Frankly, I don't see how it could work!???¿:confused: I've always said a plain based bullet could not be gas checked.
I've looked all over, but I guess I missed the RCBS mold.

It actually works slick as a whistle. I tore a few when I first started putting them on the boolit cause they were already sized and lubed. I figured out that there was no lube in the sizer. Now I just run the boolit thru once for size and lube then take the boolit out, put a gas check on it and run it thru again while lubing again. That eliminated the torn checks.

It works very easily really. Using pop or beer cans with thin metal makes the checks slip on pretty easy as long as you size and lube first. Otherwise there is to much stress on the check and it can rip.

It does swedge the base of the boolit a little, which I'm sure would be easier to do with fresh boolits like Pat says. I'm using 1 month old ones and some 8 month old ones and am not having any trouble now.
We shot the 9mm's. WOW.

These plain base gas checks wiped out the lead that was in his carbine and Ruger pistol. Barrels are now clean as a whistle without a bore brush. This was even a load that leaded his barrel pretty bad before.

This was great news as I've spent weeks trying to get lead free loads for his 9mm's. Now its a piece of cake.:)
I think I've seen Pat Marlin's name tossed around in the past, and think I even visited his site concerning the home manufacture of gaschecks, but remind me again where to look into this again. I've slept since then, but would like to look it over once more.

BTW, I checked my RCBS 9mm 124 RN, and mine is absent a gascheck recess. Guess I got a faulty mould.