342PD for $550, 340PD for $20 more (!)


New member
I had my favorite candy store check with Smith and Wesson on my take-home price for a 342PD .38spcl and the 340PD .357 mag. My take-home price for the 342PD would be $550 but the real surprise was adding $20 and taking home the more versatile 340PD. I'm gonna get one or the other for full-time carry. I have a couple of steel revos for plinking and home defense but I'm salivating over one of these. Which would you choose? I gotta have one.......you know how it is. Gotta-gotta-gotta. I'm the guy with the big ol' hams wrapped around the P32 on the general handgun forum. ("tried this grip?") If anything can tame the recoil, them big mitts should help!
Maybe you should talk to Mike Irwin before you go buying a new Smith...

you do know about the "agreement" and the feelings about buying ANYTHING that puts money in the coffers @ Smith & Wesson right now, don't you?

anything used, that Smith isn't getting a % of is cool, but new Smiths aren't...
I have the 342PD. Personally I think that .38 special is a better deal in these light weight guns. I believe that .357 adds too much kick. I'm not too wild about .357 out of short barrels anyway. Besides you save ~2 ounces with the 342PD.
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Hemicuda, Sam, Mike: READ THIS PLEASE

I check out your "homework" assignment and it's largely dated material. Now, read this before you start any more of that self-righteous political posturing with me. AND, next time, stick to the subject or kindly DO NOT respond.

Here is the report as written by "Jeff OTMG" of the handgun shooters forum:

SMITH & WESSON - I want to hit this one first because of the way that I feel about S&W, the ‘agreement’, and actions that I have taken that have been a result of those feelings. I don’t think that it is a secret to anyone that I have fully supported the boycott of S&W. I have not purchased any new S&W products since April of 2000 and have strongly urged others to follow suit. The boycott has been nothing short of a total and complete success. For me the boycott is over and I can now urge everyone else to do the same, this is why:

I had a LONG discussion today with Paul Pluff of S&W. Paul has been the liaison between S&W and the lawyers for S&W throughout this process. He has learned much and how things worked. Basically what Ed Schultz did was a HUGE mistake. (DUH Jeff, you are suppose to give us NEW information) As we all know, the boycott was so successful that the British owners had to sell S&W for a huge loss. Unfortunately the deal had been done. Now this is what S&W has done. What we know as ‘the agreement’ was in reality an ‘agreement to agree’. It was never finalized as it needed a signature from a judge for a ‘consent decree’. S&W would not agree to the consent decree. They went to AG Ashcroft to inform him of their opinion, Ashcroft agreed and would not ask a judge to sign it. The AG’s office even released a statement and it was carried in the WSJ. S&W DID go to the AG, did ask to be released from the agreement, the AG issued a statement saying that they would not enforce it nor seek a judges signature to force enforcement. Unfortunately, due to the actions of Ed Schultz, S&W cannot now use this information in any ad campaign, as much as they would like to, because it would work against them. S&W has completed the discovery phase of other cases and have even more pending. One of these is the famous agreement with the city of Boston, and there are about 10 others. Were S&W to start jumping for joy about getting out of the deal with the feds, then the anti-gunners in the dozen other still pending cases could use that action to illustrate in court that S&W had the opportunity to ‘do the right thing’, but backed out of it knowing that it was the right thing to do. It must be shown in all the remaining cases that S&W is doing the right thing and that the things that the anti’s are asking for in these cases are completely unreasonable and could easily lead the company to collapse either due to financial upset or by requiring things to be done that are beyond the limits of current technology. These lawsuits have actually had a tremendously positive effect for our side on many of the lawmakers around the country. The reason for this is that our side gets to tell its’ side of the story. Too many times all we see or hear are a bunch of anti’s screaming how bad guns are. The politicians watch the same TV news we do, but these suits have forced them to hear the opposing viewpoint, OURS. As a result many of them have been swayed to our way of thinking. This has been a great educational experience for them. The fact that the court cases have been overwhelmingly come down in our favor had not hurt our position either. If the judges are throwing out cases against the gun industry, then there just might be something to the argument that they have been hearing. Another thing that has helped were the events of 9/11 last year. As tragic as it was, it has helped the general publics perception of gun owners simply because there have been so many first time buyers since then. The ranks of gun owners have swelled and they have gained an understanding of what we have known for a long time.

S&W knows it was a mistake and they are actively seeking to have the agreements dismantled, without giving the other side ammunition. You will probably see more information on this topic over the course of this year as S&W battles on. There is more specific information that I have, but I cannot go into detail as it could damage some of the work that is currently going on in this area and I sure don’t want to be the cause of that. What you do is up to you, but knowing this I will happily support S&W and urge everyone else to do the same.
They have NOT recinded the agreement, in

any way, shape or form...that convo with Jeff was just smoke up our butts, until they PUBLICLY denounce the agreement...

maybe it is you who needs to do some homework on that one, 22lovr... (not trying to be snotty about it)

that agreement is still alive, and until it's recinded, the boycott is ON!
Look around for a used 342. I sold mine for a 342PD for 485.00. Then about a day later I spied a 337PD at a gunshow on consignment for 425.00. So, shop around.