.32 S&W Long question


New member
I'm looking to buy an older .32 S&W revolver. I'm finding .32 S&W revolvers and .32 S&W Long revolvers for sale. I understand that a .32 S&W Long round is a little longer than a .32 S&W. Is it safe to fire a .32 S&W in an old revolver designed for .32 S&W Long? In other words, is this similar to firing .38SPL in a .357 Mag revolver or .44 SPL in a .44 Mag revolver?
Ditto, but I believe you will find 32S&W more expensive than 32S&W Longs. And
32long is easier to find.
Thanks guys... this is what I thought but needed confirming. And yes, I have already found that .32 S&W Longs are easier to find and often cheaper than .32 S&W.

So... for $99 I just bought an H&R 732 at a local gun store. I believe these were made between 1957 and 1986 from what I've gleaned on the web so far. Can anyone tell me what year this one was made?

Ser# AP146577

It looks in pretty good shape for an "as is" revolver. Little surface rust here and there but nothing that won't come off with a little careful steel wool and Hoppes, followed by blueing.
I own a 733 Guardsman and it is fun to shoot (even if it isn't the most accurate gun) and was from the late 50s/early 60s when my dad's cousin gave it to him because he was returning to Scotland
.32 S&W Longs are easier to find and less expensive because that's what target pistols are chambered in. The S&W is seen mostly in what are considered Saturday Night Specials. Or other low end stuff.
Thanks Will_G for that link... 1976. Btw I took that little H&R 732 into the woods today and put a few cylinders full through it if only to see if the gun shoots, cylinder timed etc since it was a $99 "as is" gun. Shoots fine. Next step is take it to the range and see what kind of group I can get at 10 yds.
I have the 32 H&R magnum version. There is nothing fancy about it, but it goes bang every time and is accurate enough for what it is. That is a good price for a revolver "just for fun". It can take care of pests, and would probably protect you if needed.
I have had and still do have several 32 S&W Long revolvers When I cant get other ammo I shoot 32 ACP through them. A bunch of guys usually yell at me when I say that. A good cheap blàsting load is a Hornady single ought buck shot lubed with mule snot ( Lee liquid Alox)over the Lee smallest dipper of a fast powder. You could probably get 2 or 3 of those buck shot in that case but I have not tried it.