32 Rimfire... anyone making new production ammo yet ???

I have an old "tip up" S&W revolver I'd like to find ammo for... you would think by now, that someone would be making new ammo for some of these old rimfires, in at least some of the more common calibers

I found this company listed... though I don't know if they'll ship to the US ???

http://www.hc-collection.com/PBSCCatalog.asp?ActionID=67174912&PBCATID=335271&PBCATName=.32 RF

here is an explaination of how they load the special brass ( it has an offset primer pocket )... though I think I'd prefer to put the primer in 1st, like "normal"... they seat the bullet, then add black powder, then seat a special primer


...as a handloader I wouldn't mind "rolling my own" but the cartridges need to be lined up correctly to fire... probably works great on a single shot rifle, but probably not so well on a tube feed rifle or a revolver...

I guess I'd really like to find a source for 2-3 boxes of fresh 32 rimfire... not like this old gun would get shot much... I just like to make sure anything I keep is functional, & "could be shot"
Thanks MIKE... I'll try that...

actually Gun Broker also has several old boxes of 32 "short" rimfire ammo, that are new enough, they are smokeless ammo, that are collector boxes, full, with clean enough ammo that it looks like it might have a pretty good amount of that ammo that would actually fire... since I don't plan on "shooting" this gun, only test firing, & having ammo available, maybe the $80.00 a box isn't too high a price, to test for function, & have some original rounds on hand ???

I wonder if the early 1900's smokeless ammo would be safe ( or as safe ) to fire in my middle / late 1800's revolver, as the black powder cartridges it was designed for were ???

the tip up design is much weaker in the hinge, than the top breaks... my revolver is being repaired right now ( the screw in the hinge was broken, when I bought it, & I need to get the threaded part out ) but it uses a much smaller screw than one would think...

I might be best off doing up a set of chamber inserts like I did for my 30 rimfire Hopkins & Allen spur trigger, & only shooting the Super Colibris in this gun as well ???
"I wonder if the early 1900's smokeless ammo would be safe ( or as safe ) to fire in my middle / late 1800's revolver, as the black powder cartridges it was designed for were ???"

That's the $64 question.

The smokeless powders used in these rounds was essentially a bulk smokeless replacement that could be used volume for volume for black powder.

These bulk smokeless powders were very popular for many years with people who shot the old center fire rifle and handgun calibers that were otherwise going obsolete.

That said, the bulk smokless powders had roughly the same pressure limits as black powder, but the pressure curves were generally quite different, and that's where you can get into trouble.

I doubt that a few test rounds will hurt your gun, but I wouldn't make a habit of shooting it.
Not surprising they'd say a couple of years.

Generally with obsolete rounds like this they only make maybe, if you're lucky, 1 run ever few years.

If you're not lucky, it might be 1 run every 15 to 20 years.

We're not talking high popularity/high demand cartridges here.
rim fire 32 ammo

i had 3 or 4 of the old rim fire 32 pistols and hunted up some long and short
boxs of shells some still sealed in wax paper and quite a few loose shells.
i no longer have the pistols but i think i still have 5 or 6 boxs and several
loose shells.
i am not a dealer just an old colector and found these 32 rim fires are nearly
imposible to find, and would hate to have a fire arm and could not find shells.
so i have thought about possible letting some go.
i am also looking for a trigger guard for a 410 bolt action shotgun
its just a simple loop with 2 screw hole on both ends.
its not safe with just the trigger sticking out there.
had a cival war boot gun but cant seem to find the darn thing.
its tuff gettin old
IVERS... if you look at Gun Broker you can see current (wanted) prices for those boxes of ammo, there are usually several listed... I was able to buy about 3/4 of a box of new manufacture Navy arms 32 S&W shorts for a reasonable price, but still wouldn't mind finding a good condition 2nd box ( either newer manufacture or good vintage ) to go with my guns
thanks magnum
thanks for the,tip i assume that its a website?
i don't know why i let those pistols go cause they were a lot of fun and
a lot of history.
i looked at some of the box's and they are remington clean bore
and some canuck that were made in canada.
there is more than a box in loose form but no way to know the brand.
thanks again and have great weekend.
This link should help...


note that both ammos you described are for sale... granted some people are asking more than the general market is willing to pay, so if you were wanting to turn them over quicker, you could probably easily double ( or triple ) what you paid for them, & still sell them for much less than the listed prices... & if they were to be listed for less, they sell pretty fast...

personally I've been trying to get a box of the Canuck ( I've been told those should be more "shootable" than some of the older domestic brands )

BTW... the Remington box ( Empty ) is worth quite a bit if it's in good shape... though even more if it's full & sealed...