.32 Mag Penetration


New member
I just read a Blog that referances the .32 Mag 's preformance,
The writer statd that he had experiences where the .32 Mag outpenetrated the .357 mag on Steel Plates???
Is it possible? The writer, Tom Gaylord is a famous airgun writer and runs a blog on the Pyramid Airgun store site. Very entertaining, give it a read!
I'm not familliar with the .32 nag but have a little time with the .357 Mag.
I'm very endeared with the .38 Special, .38+P amd the .357 Mag! All do exactly as advertized!
Boy, if the +P and .357Mag exhisted in the old west, Things night have been different!
It wouldn't be suprising, remember you need to compare similar bullet types etc. The .357 is going to dump more energy most likely with a heavier bullet. Generally 158 grain for the .357 vs. 100 for the .32.
ZVP said:
The writer statd that he had experiences where the .32 Mag outpenetrated the .357 mag on Steel Plates???
Smaller-caliber projectiles frequently penetrate intermediate barriers better than large-caliber ones do. This is nothing new. This is one of the major reasons why the worlds' militaries now use 9mm in place of .45ACP- it offers superior penetration of steel helmets, light body armor, and "soft-skinned" vehicles.

However, don't conflate this quality with real-world effectiveness in general, particularly for typical civilian self-defense scenarios.
Owning a fine Stainless .357 Mag Ruger Vaquero, I think I'll stuck wuth it.
I shoot it well and have become quite familiar with it's preformance at various ranges, I think I'll stick with it! I back it up with a 4" Model 10 S&W.
The slight penetration difference is offset with my confidence with my revolver.
I forgot to mention that his .32 Mag was also a S/A Single Six.
I think the gun that you handle best is the best one for you.
Stull, I find the ballistics of that ,32 Nag intresting, since I own a Cobra Derringer in .38 SpeciL ns you cN GET REPLcement barrel sets in .32 Mag for the Derringer! Npw of you could swap barrels for a set with superior pemetration capibilitys, well then you might have something!
A close range Pocket gun that's a penetrator...
Something to consider! You could shoot factory ammo and it supposedly recoils less than a
Following me here?
Just a thought, and the experiment only costs $34 per Barrel set and a box of Cartridges.