32 Caliber Rim fire


Hello, this is my first post hope I'm in the right place. A friend has a 32 Caliber Rim fire single shot (I believe he said it was bolt action) rifle. The only identification at this point he can see is the name Belgium, he thinks this is where the gun was manufactured not the make, and was made pre 1900. Any one out there with any hint as to what this might be would be helpful.
Will try to post picture soon.
without pictures and detailed descriptions of all of the markings on it it is incredibly difficult to make an accurate guess as to what it may be. picture is worth a thousand words... 4 sentences of 2nd hand information speaks a few less I'm afraid.
"Belgium" is the country of origin, a marking required by the U.S. for imported goods since 1903 or so. The .32 RF has been obsolescent since around that time, so the gun probably dates to shortly after 1900. It could be bolt action, but is more likely to be one of the many tons of inexpensive Warnant-Flobert single shots imported from Belgium in that era. In any case, value is likely to be very low and the gun could be hazardous to fire even if ammunition can be found. We cannot provide any further help without pictures.
