.308 questions


New member
Hi all,

I'm looking for something in this caliber for long range shooting. 30-06 might be ok, too.

I've looked a few makes and models, but just what the local shop had. I'm interested in your experiences of rifles in this caliber. In particular, I'm looking for a rifle that wouldn't be too expensive used, under 300$ say, but is noted for reliability and reasonable accuracy (keeping the price in mind). I figure bolt action is what I'd be looking for given the price range, but if you have any experience or recommendation for a semi-auto I'd be interested in that too.

What have you all shot? What do you recommend?

Any of the Savage 110 series bolt-actions should fit the bill. I want a 116FSAK with the BOSS compensator, in stainless. Savage makes good rifles, of good quality, for an inexpensive price.

.45 Super... Fat and FAST...

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson
Given your parameters, the Savage is the only rifle that fits the bill. Be prepared to pay more for your scope than your rifle.

The .308 Win. is an excellent cartridge. I've been shooting it for many years.
Most any bolt action from one of the major makers would be fine. Since you stated that you wanted a used rifle, be sure to check it over closely.
For a new one, I'll also recommend the Savage. One of the most under rated rifles out there.
My own rifle is an old Ruger 77 Mark I. Also an excellent rifle. However, be aware that the Mark I series Rugers were recalled for a minor repair to the trigger set screw. Its an easy fix that you can do yourself and Ruger will provide the parts free of charge. If you should find a good used Ruger, Don't let it scare you away. A simple call to the factory will be able to tell you if the repair has been done.
There are tons of good used bolt actions out there. Stick to makers you know and you should do just fine.

Politically, Fashionably and Aerodynamically Incorrect!
There are a lot of good used .308s and .30-'06s out there, under $300. (Don't buy an '06 with less than a 24" barrel.) All that really counts is that the bore be un-pitted, there be no erosion in the throat (the rifling immediately in front of the chamber) and the muzzle not be nicked. (This latter is mostly a bargaining point; any competent gunsmith oughta be able to re-crown it.)

Then you can come back here and learn about bedding the action and all that "tune-up" stuff.

:), Art
I've owned a Savage 110 in 30.06 for about three years now. Picked it up used for $270. Very good condition, accurate (enough), good rifle for the money. At risk of sounding like a sissy......I must add that after about 15 or 20 rounds of 30.06 from this gun, I'M READY TO SHOOT SOMETHING ELSE! The weekend I bought the gun I fired nearly 50 rounds from it and my shoulder turned GREEN......after the black and blue went away!
If you're willing to stretch your budget slightly, you can get a new Remington 700 ADL Synthetic for $360-$380. I got one in .308 a month ago and love it. It consistently shoots 1" groups at 100yds ("MOA"), and I'm new enough to know it ain't my shooting skills making that happen.

FWIW, mine prefers the heavier bullets--165gr. or 180 gr. loads group tighter than the 150gr.

Be sure and let us know what you choose.
here about 3 weeks ago at a gun show in tulsa i bought a Springfield Armory M1 Garand that was in .308 for $300.00, i love this weapon, it is great. not much recoil, never malfuctions plus is a tack driver. have a couple of friends that laughed at the boat ancher, as they called it. now they want to buy it for $750.00. i think i'll just keep this one. i love it. sence then i bought a springfield armory M-14, very very nice to say the least.
ill agree.the savage rifles need lots of work out of the box(trigger).buy the remington brand new for $80 more and never look back.
Look for a used Remington. Art's advice is good on how to do so.

Or, spend a little more and order a new Remington 700. The trigger is better than the one on the Savage, and no one will ever wonder why you bought a Remington.

As for caliber, I would go for the .308 because it is accurate, widely-available in a variety of loads, and easy on the shoulder for a .30 caliber round (at least by my reckoning).

BTW, you don't mention what you mean by long range. I wouldn't get too wrapped up in this idea. The .308 is reasonably good to about 800 yards, but it would be better to stay within 300 yards for the best results. Even at 200 yards, on a windy day, a .30 caliber bullet can miss the mark. Learning to dope the wind is an art unto itself. At least a 168 grain Sierra Boat tail in .308 gives you a fighting chance to do so.

[This message has been edited by Trevor (edited March 20, 2000).]