308 oal


New member
I made a batch of 308 only 30 trying new load, the cases, bullet and grains were all identical! but the results were off, I used a caliper and they range from 2.54 to 2.70? most were around 2.70 ! I went shooting yesterday which I didn't use those, but a shotgun loader told me the ones around 2.70 might be safe, but the shorter ones he advises against using! any thoughts? or should I toss whole batch?
sorry I posted in wrong section, I am kinda new here. I trimmed cases to 2.01, I used 38.4 gr h4895, 180 gr nosler partition spritzer bullet! the manual says oal should be2.81 ! mine came out oal from2.54 -2.70? I was puzzled, now I have been hearing about dies gunking up? I have been reading abc's of reloading and have modern reloading second edition by lee! but nowhere in them can I find how to clean dies? I just found out sizing die should be cleaned after every use? I cleaned the bullets after sizing, could thin residue build up in bullet seating dies? can anyone tell me where to find out how to clean inside dies? someone told me the bullets that are 2.70 should be ok to shoot but wont be as accurate, said shoot bowling pins lol, but shorter ones need to come apart? but also someone said don't shoot any? im unsure I big difference between suggested 2.81 and actual 2.70? only made 30 thank god, wanted these perfect for hunting! when I find out how to clean dies I will clean them all
I just talked to an old timer ex gunsmith and he said disassemble dies and clean with break cleaner its cheaper 1.50 compared to 13.99 for industrial stuff, then put thin layer of rem oil! I found a few similar things on the web, anyone ever hear of this? also said brake cleaner can be used on some actions if no plastic lol just avoid wood and blueing! I know im in wrong section but any ideas would help! I believe I found right section and posted there to but we are all sportsmen