.308 for black bear?

.308 is just fine, and those 180 grain bullets are quite enough. Even a .30/30 is quite adequate. Wouldn't use less than a .30 caliber, though.
The 200 gr Accubonds are adequate for the largest grizzly. For typical black bear a decent quality 150 or 165 is just fine.
Many black bears have been killed with .30-30s around here. I even know of a couple that were killed with a .357 magnum handgun. I would bet that almost any .308 round will be just fine.
I've done it with a .30-06 using the old, and now discontinued 180 gr. Winchester FailSafes- plenty of gun. The .308 oughtta be fine.

The Failsafe's were a great slug.

And yeah, there is not a B. bear around that will withstand a .308 and near any good game bullet, 150 gr and up.

A 200 gr slug in a .308 would be just a tad heavy for my tastes, and I would stay in the 165-180 range myself.

Recoil would be less too.
.308 is a great round for black bear. What weight bullet you need would depend on the size of the bear you end up shooting. A 180 grain Nosler Partition would work on even the largest black bear you would encounter.
I've had my best luck shooting Remington 180 grain core-lokt's in my .308 carbine. The roundnose style opens up fast like a speedier 150 grain but has the weight and momentum of the 180 grain.
