.308 BC versus weight


New member
I'm setting up a new rifle for long range shooting. It's a Steyr Tactical Elite that I'm topping off with a Nightforce NXS in 8-32x56. I have another target rifle in 6.5x55 that I handload for. I use a Sierra Match King bullet in 140Gn. That gives me a BC of around .52 or so. I'd like to start off in the ballpark with the .308 but I find myself spoiled for choice in the bullet area. Just looking at the Sierra catalog I can get anything from 100Gn to 240 and the 240 has a BC up around .71. i also notice a Palma bullet there at 155Gn but the BC on that one is closer to the 6.5x55.

My main question here is, should I go with the highest BC and get the 240Gn bullet or will the weight cause more problems with drop and outweigh the advantage of the high BC.?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
My LR experience showed the 308 marginal for driving bullets heavier than 190 grains. My best results came with the 168 MK at 600yds. 175's beyond that. I think a medium bullet weight [168-180] at the highest reasonable velocity would be a place to start. IIRC the 175 was designed for the .308 at LR.
The Marines,back in the M14 days, shot 168's loaded to something like Mach 18 plus for their LR guns. It shot accurately but they also only fired new cases one time and trashed them afterwards. Plus they had armorors to put the guns back together.
The 175 SMK is a good place to start.

I have also bought a supply of Lapua Scenar 155s. They have a higher BC than the Sierra Palma; about the same as 175 SMK, and can be driven at higher velocity. Accurate, too.

Thanks for the replies David and Jim. After I posted my question I went looking for some data on the BC versus weight relationship and found this


After reading this and getting your feedback I see that the relationship is really between BC and velocity. There's no use having a high BC projectile if it's travelling too slowly. You'd get a rainbow trajectory. I think the medium to medium-heavy bullets you've suggested would be the best compromise. I'll get either the 175 or 168 depending on availability.

Thanks again :)

Depends on what you call "long range."
The 168 SMK is NOT suitable for 1000 yards; a .308 won't keep it supersonic that far and it gets weird when it goes transsonic. Some ranges won't even allow them.

And try some 142 gr SMKs in your 6.5. Two grains doesn't do much for SD but they worked over the shape and its BC is .595. I see a lot of those in the F-open 6.5x284s.

i to am setting up a long range .308 for the first time.my last long range rifle was a hot rod.i shot 168grn. 7mm bergers(.65 BC) @ about 3100fps with a 7SAUM.awesome 1000yd. gun.for my new rifle i started with a remington 700r5 milspecSS. with a little custom work.i haven't started working a load for it yet but was thinking about trying the 155 lapua's.they have higher BC's than most 175's(excluding bergers)and shoot roughly 200fps. faster.can some .308 expert out there talk me out of this on why a 175 may be better or would the 155's be OK for 300-1000 yards.
See Post #3. When my present stock of 175 SMK runs out, I have 500 155 Scenars ready to go, load data, chronograph readings, sight settings, and all, already worked out. Just load, zero, and shoot.
hey,jim.keep us posted when you start running your lapuas.curious to hear how they did.i know at a local f class match a couple years ago a guy i know was trying some 155 berger vld in the match.it was only a 500 yard match,but he shot it clean.23 X's,county his 3 sighters.he had'nt shot the load at 1000 yet,but i was impressed with the 500yd results.
I've shot thousands of the 155gr Lapua bullets in 308. Good bullet. You should be able to fire them at 2850-2950 fps from a 24-26" barrel.
Good feedback

Thanks for all the information guys. Very useful.. I'm not sure how I'd go getting Lapua bullets locally but I'll give my local shop a try.



damn it jim,i wish i'd seen your post earlier.i just order some bullets from midway,155 lapuas and 125 nosler b-tips because they were one of the few places that had both in stock.now you come along and turn us on to this place.about 8 dollars cheaper than what i just paid from midway.oh well,i know were i'm getting them next time,thanks for the link.
I order a lot from Powder Valley, (and Midway also). What really makes PV cheaper is the shipping. They use the flat rate shipping boxes, I recently bought a couple thousand 230 gr .45acp bullets and they got them in one box so the shipping was about $9.

I shoot the SMK 155s for Palma matches, I plan to try the Lapua and Burgers next year. For the 6.5 I use the 142 SMK, they work real well at 1000 yards.