Like mikld says, slug the barrel. Ruger made Mini-30's with .308" barrels, long ago. Then switched to .311" the way Comrade Kalashnikov intended. The 7.62 x 39 M77 dates from long after the switch.
"....324"..." That'd be a .314".
"...303 caliber (.312) bullets..." .303 Brit uses a .311" bullet. Not a .312. Issue is the barrel diameters on Lee-Enfields. They can vary from .311" to .315" and be considered ok. Commercial bullets and ammo comes in .311" or .312" with up to .314" cast bullet available.
"...nothing in the 123 grain range..." Lots of 'em. Hornady makes a .310", a .3105". Their .312" are for .303 Brit and 7.62 x 54R, et al. Sierra makes a 125(close enough) at .311". No$ler does a .310" they think is for the 7.62 x 39. Close enough too. Federal loads ammo, but doesn't sell bullets. Berry makes a .311" plated 123. Barnes does a 123 grain .310" TSX. They do a .310" 108 grain Frangible too.
Whole thing is about what's available locally and how much you want to spend.