.303 ammo price jump: due to fear, or scalpers?

In other words, is the recent price jump for Prvi .303 ("Ammoseek" prices) due to people buying large batches from distributors in order to sell for a profit, or is it just panic because the ammo is an imported military round, or general anxiety?

Even though the Lee-Enfield has a detachable 10-rd. mag, there seems to be no race to buy the rifles on GB.
I believe it is often paraphrased as "supply and demand", but is usually more complicated than that. But I have confidence in the ability of our economy to restore prices pretty quickly. I remember about 8 years ago, people were paying stupid prices for primers, now they are back to normal (or were, I haven't checked this month). So, you get while the getting is good.
bolt action rifles are exempt from the AWB so they can be as scary as you want witha 5 foot bayonet and nobody is going to sniff at it. the buying frenzy is actually probably due to an increase in use among those that already own enfields. case in point.

I own 2 AR15s, one in 5.56 the other in 9mm, I have meager amounts of both cartridges and a semi will burn through those in a hurry if you are not careful.

on the other hand I have an enfield in 303, and a pair of mosin nagant's in 7.62x54R and a life time supply of ammo for both cartridges...which one do you think is looking more favorable to take out plinking when I know that there isn't a single store, local or online that has 5.56 and 9mm in stock? of course I got lucky with my stockpiles, 1600 rounds of HXP 303 and an additional 800 in high quality hunting ammo that I got for essentially the price of x54R not everyone else is going to get so lucky and so they are still buying to feed the bolts and since retailers are in pandemic craze mode any increase in demand means an excuse to bring up prices, especially since everyone is scurrying for the 'scary assault rifle' calibers and few are paying attention to obsolete bolt action calibers so they may not be trying to keep 303 in stock as much.
What's the price on Privi 303 ammo these days? I bought a few boxes of Privi 303 ammo, a couple of months ago, for about $18 + tax.

There is a definite lack of surplus 303 ammo, here in the U.S. The C&R {military rifle} matches, must have brought a higher demand for 303 ammo.

After I bought a fake sniper 303 "SMELLY" about 4 months ago...seemed to bring a rush for other guys on our range to buy SMELLY's as well.
I just bought a box of Privi softpoints for around $17 and the shop had another 8-10 boxes. This was on Friday and they said the shipment came in a day or two before.
I think too that it's a lack of any more good surplus (like Greek HXP:D). Thank God that Privi makes it.. At $0.90/round, it ain't cheap ... but you have to consider what's happened to the value of our dollar over the last couple of years. If not for that, we still might be looking at $0.45/round.

Just be happy you can find anything. Consider the last production dates for military caliber ammo that we all love to shoot (6.5 X 50R, 6.5 X 52, 6.5 X 54, 6.5 X 55, 7 X 57, 7.5 X 54, 7.5 X 55, 8 X 56R, 8 X 57) That we can still shoot WWI and WWII rifles with factory ammo is great for those of you who don't reload.

Just remember this ... your fired boxer brass has value, even if you don't reload. I figure a piece of fired, boxer brass at least the equivalent of $0.20. If you don't reload, bag your fired brass in 50 round bags and bring them to the range when you shoot. If you see a guy/girl shooting any military rifle ... ask them if they're interested in fired boxer brass for whatever you think is a fair per bag of 50. You may be more than pleasantly surprised! FREE MONEY!:eek:
The notion that people would shoot more Enfields due to little or no access to decent prices for .223 never occured to me.
The only reason I learned to reload, two years ago, was because of vanished surplus ammo.

Do you guys forecast any price reduction for Prvi .303 after the AR/.223 bubble starts to really deflate, long after hunting season etc?
I doubt it, as pointed out by other members the dollar is not what it used to be and probably wont turn around any time soon. also people get used to selling high and they don't like dropping prices, which is why after scares and gouging periods prices drop but never where they were before the increases. what little surplus there is is drying up so the supply is still diminishing while demand is not waning.
303 Brit is one of the few cartridges I see on the shelves. Price has not changed. Keep in mind, this is not a popular or big selling cartridge in the USA. Thus, US ammo manufacturers run batches of it at certain times of the year only. The exception would be the imports IE; SBP & PPU. If I was a betting person, I would bet overseas ammo makers are making plenty of 223 ammo and it is heading our way.
"bolt action rifles are exempt from the AWB so they can be as scary as you want witha 5 foot bayonet and nobody is going to sniff at it. the buying frenzy is actually probably due to an increase in use among those that already own enfields. case in point."
I do not want to hijack the thread, but you might want to look at the bill Fienstien is proposing. It says that any gun with a bayonet lug is a "Military Style Assault Weapon" and there fore does fall under her proposed ban.

As for 303 ammo. I have been looking for some myself for quite some time. I have found some on store shelves for $40 a box. Everytime I check online they are always sold out.
I am lucky on 303. One of the ranges I go to has 15rnd (think its surplus) for $9 a box. I will probably go grab a few this afternoon before its gone.