can someone give me feedback on hunting with a 300h&h. over here in africa this rifle has a very good name. the problem is that no company produce these rifles. if i want one i can have it custom build. the reason why i am opting for this rifle and not the 300wm, is that we often harvest 30 animals per hunter a day. the 300wm therefore tends to kick both your eyes into one socket after the third shot. most of my hunting is done on open savanahs, but every now and then i hunt kudu or eland. so i cant go smaler than .30.
i shoot with 180grn and i see between these 2(h&h and wm) the 300h&h is a little faster than the wm. i thougt it to be the other way around. is it because the h&h`s barrel is 2inch. longer? the wm ammo is also more available than the h&h, but we do have a company that produce 300h&h.
i shoot with 180grn and i see between these 2(h&h and wm) the 300h&h is a little faster than the wm. i thougt it to be the other way around. is it because the h&h`s barrel is 2inch. longer? the wm ammo is also more available than the h&h, but we do have a company that produce 300h&h.