300 Winchester Mag


New member
I have been reloading 300 Winchester Magnum with Norma brass and Barnes TTSX BT bullets. I have one case that I charged and seated a bullet but forgot to prime the case. I pulled the bullet and primed the case and recharged and seated the bullet. When I seated the bullet it went in with alot less pressure than the others ones. My question is would the round be ok to fire. Thanks blackhawk 8.
The reason it seated with less force needed was because it already had the bullet seated in it once.

Sized case necks come out of the dies slightly undersized so the bullet has a tight fit. Seating a bullet expands the neck slightly. The easier seating of the pulled bullet is simply because you already make the neck "bullet sized" on the inside the first time you seated the bullet.

Firing the round will not create a dangerous situation. The re-seated bullet might not shoot to the usual point of impact, but then again, it might. No way to know but to shoot it.
I would fire the primer and resize the neck if it were me, mostly due to accuracy concerns. Because the 300 wm has a short neck and the barnes bullet has multiple drive bands I would have concentricity concerns with the bullet seating well. If you're not concerned about best accuracy, then I wouldn't be concerned. Still one of my favorite cartridges.:)
Twice I've had to unload rifles due to range safety issues. Bullets were seated long to set bullets back several thousandths when chambered.

I've always tilted the barrel up as the bolt was slowly pulled back because sometimes with minimal neck grip on bullets isn't enough to pull them back out of the throat. This prevents powder falling out.

Getting out of position then pushing the bullet out with a cleaning rod then sticking it back into the case worked well. After rechambering that round when firing resumed, it shot to call. Once at 600 yards with a 308 Win and once at 1000 with a 30 caliber magnum.