.300 Remington Ultra Mag


New member
I would like to hear from anyone who has shot a gun chambered for the new .300 Remington Ultra Mag. What are your impressions of it as far as accuracy, recoil, etc... BTW, this is my first post on this board. I have previously posted on another board, but I think I'm going to like this one better.
Welcome! You'll find a great bunch of friendly folks, here.

You have good odds that somebody here has played with this new critter.

Later, Art
I have just recently gotten to fire one of them.

We shot out to 300 yds with it. Not its max range by any means. I must appologize because normally I pay a good deal of atention to the load but on this occasion I did not. I do know it was a 180gr load.

To put it simpy...that is way too much gun for any reasonable person. I am quite good at shooting heavy recoil rounds....this thing is a monster.

That said, our groups at 300 were excellent, one measured at 2", but off a rest this thing beat the dog snot out of me.

My concern with ths round is that there will be a bunch of "wanna bees" out there that think this round will allow them to take shots on game at unreaonable distance and with little or no practice and proficiency with the gun.

My comment to a hunter would be to by a load you can shoot cofortably and practice, practice, practice. I shoot a bunch of 270 and have taken a number of elk and deer with it. I also like a new 338 Ruger that Ihave that I have had some custom reloads made for at 180 grn. They hummmmmmmm.

Hoe this did not confuse you....

Best of luck

"single shot shooters only shoot once"
i think your right hunt school.i think alot of people read way to much craig boddington and think they can make those shots at 600 yards.i did it once in my life on a antelope hunt.i knew the distance was 565 yards and i knew that i had 10mph cross wind and i knew that i needed to set my redfield accudrop scope to the 500 yard position.i knew i had a steady rest and pleanty of time.(i took almost 20 min of breathing and lots of dryfiring at the antelope.)i would never take that kinda shot on a big game animal.(i think antelope are more of a pest)just ask the ranchers out in col.if i ever get to antelope hunt again i will get closer say 300 yards or so.