30-06 lead loads

just like any other bullet, it would be helpful to have a bit more info---such as bullet grain. Gas Check or plain base? Lube (if known)? Alloy (if known)? Also, what powders do you currently have on hand? It's easier to match you with one you're using (if there IS one that matches) than send you off with load data on a powder you'll have to add to the shelf.
i need good loads for cast bullets in 30-06. anyone cjs

Much too general of a question for me to be able to give any info. Do you already have the bullets? What powder do you have on hand? You do know that bare cast bullets,(not paper patched), can't go as fast as jacketed, right?
Hunting loads or target loads. If seeking the tops in accuracy for strictly target purposes there are considerations that are very exact. For instance, current target loads employ two-diameter bullets that have a nose portion that fits the bore...That is, they are "bore riders". There are also bullet hardness requirements relative to the speed at which they are fired.

If you seek top accuracy for target only, you will want to haunt the Cast Bullet Association board. The information contained there in, is the state of the art on the subject.

Maybe cjs needs the rest of the story !!!

I cast a bhn 10.5 Lyman 314299 200gr bullet gas checked , I started with 16grs. of 2400 , I ran the ladder to 20gr. no pressure signs & 1700FPS.

CCI 200 primer in Greek Milsurp brass .

I`ve already deleted the pics but gave me 2" at 100yds. probably better if somebody else was driving !!!

Nuttin to do with subject but gonna go get 1 !!!

you are right, i did not give enough info. i cast ww material in 31141 gc bullet h.p. also 311466 , a 4 cav. mold size 308 also have ordered 311 sizerand shoot in a custom springfield 03A3, i have a range up to 100 yds. i use a rcbs bottom pour pot and lyman sizer usually cast at about 750 to 800 degrees i have a shop at the back of my house 28x28 with all kind of ptrsses but i usealy load on dillon 550 for this rifle. i have used 4831, 3031, 2400, etc. iwould like to shoot at least a 1 in. group. i als0o make my own .22 jacket bullets, but that is another story. i am 80 years young and my true love is loading and shooting rifle and pistol. thanhs for your time cjs
That`s more like it !!

Thanks for the details CJ & I`m sorry if I sounded a little sarcastic !!!:o

My Bad ! It`s just we see so many threads that start like that !!


It sounds as if you`ve covered alot with your O3A3 !!

May I suggest trying 4895 with starting load of 28 grs., this should work for both weights 170 & 150

This does good with the Big 314299 bullet, & I have a 311314 (the squib bullet ) & It kinda goes to pot around 1500fps from my 700 Rem.

The squib does better with 18gr. of 4227 slowed to 1400-1450fps.

I size all my 30 caliber except for 1 marlin in a .314 die .

It sounds like you want to go for accuracy. Therefore, I suggest searching the Cast Bullet Association site for "indexing" and "bullet fit".
If one joins the Cast Lead Bullet Association, one receives their bi-monthly journal, "The Fouling Shot", where in, along with informative articles, they post the results of CBA sanctioned shoots and the relevant data concerning powder, case, caliber, bullet, bullet alloy, etc., used. You can therefore see what the winners are currently employing to get the accuracy to compete in the cast bullet matches.
CJS, I have been shooting military bolt matches for the past 12 years or so, almost exclusively with rack grade 03A3s. That would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,000 record rounds -- just for the matches. My bullets of choice are the RCBS 30-180-SP and SAECO #301. Ly 314299 and 311291 are also pretty good. For the match my load is 21.0 grains IMR 4227 for about 1620 fps. I have won or placed many times with this load. Ten round groups are good when they are under 2.5 inches - that's with iron sights. We shoot on the SR-21 target, and scores are generally in the mid to high 90s with the occasional 100. I have a scoped and bedded 03A3 sporter that is capable of much smaller groups.
With air cooled, straight WW alloyed 31141, I'm using 46gr H4831 in my 03 Springfield. It will shoot about 2"-3" at 100yds and I figure thats pretty good for open sites.

This same load also shoots 1 1/2" at 100yds in my modern scoped Win 70 that I normally hunt with. I'm sure there is better loads, but I'm not complaining with that and I'm still playing.

32gr 4198 does the same with my 180gr RCBS in both guns.

I aint played with my 150gr RCBS in 30-06 yet. It sure shoots good in 30-30 tho.
The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook is a great resource for loads in many different calibers, including the '06. The Cast Bullet Association is also a good resource. Many great resources for somebody familiar with Google.

Good luck and happy casting!

Have you slugged the bore? I find that some guns like cast bullets the usual .001" over groove diameter, but many prefer 0.002" over groove, and a few 0.003" over groove. If it doesn't like 0.311" or 0.309", I would get one of the inexpensive Lee .309 sizing kits and lap it out to 0.310" by pushing 0.311 bullets through it that have been rolled in 400 grit silicone carbide Clover compound. Run the same ones through several times before they stop cutting much. When a fresh bullet comes out 0.310", stop and polish it with a felt bob loaded with Dico Stainless Steel buffing compound (which seems to work extra nicely with hardened carbon steel; Harbor Freight and Ace Hardware Stores have it). After that, push the lubed 0.311"s through it as a second sizing step as an "adjustment". The Lee tool is quick to use, so you won't mind it much.

I've seen several light sub-moa groups printed at 100 yards with jacketed bullet and Trail Boss powder. I'm intending to work one up with a Springfield '03 myself, but don't have one yet. It's just a direction you could try.