I presently own four shootguns, 2ea. 870 Police, 1ea. 1187 Police, and 1ea. FN Police (anyone notice a pattern?) The FN is currently my HD shooty and sat this session out. This is the first time these Remmys have been shot. Per advice from Dave McC and others I loaded up on Wally World Federal 100 packs of 71/2, 11/8 oz. 3 Dram ammo. This is a cost effective way to send rounds thru the tube for function testing and self training without breaking the Bank. I also had a good supply of 00 full power and tactical reduced recoil loads and a few full power slugs. I was not able to pattern at HD distances due to the fact that my shooting club does not allow shotguns on the pistol range and the closest target stand on the rifle range is 50 yds. This was then a function and familarization drill. Both 870's ate everything thrown into the mags and operated smoothly without even a hint of a malfuntion. The 1187P choked on the the 71/2 load (as expected) and the gas system was noticebly sluggish. I was suprised that it also funtioned without a hitch on the reduced recoil tacticle fodder. A brief session with full power slugs wound things up. Probably put 150 rds. total down range between the three guns. I was pleasently suprised at the amount of recoil reduction given identical loads with 1187 gas system. I find the 3in Mag Slugs downright uncomfortable on the shoulder with the 870's. I really enjoyed this range session and hope to repeat in the near future. I will have to solve the patterning delema by building a target stand to place at realistic HD distances and hold a gun vs. gun competition to determine which shotgun gets the coveted " Protector of the Family" position next to the bed. Al in Md.