3 point sling. Yay or nay?


New member
Should I get a three point sling for my kipplauf?

What is your experience with these type of sling?
Favorite type and/or make?

I guess it's no good with a backpack. Hunting from a base camp however might just make the three point sling shine....or maybe I'm wrong?
Generally, a 3-point sling is used to allow the rifle to hang, but remain accessible, without flopping around. Often, they're also made so they can be set up to allow the rifle to be brought into firing position without having to adjust or manipulate the sling in order to do so.
"High speed, low drag" type of thing...

I like the idea, and borrowed two from family members at different times. But never could sell myself on the idea - even for short, light rifles; but especially for 'normal' rifles (40"+ long and 8-10 lb).
Where I hunt, the terrain dictates that the rifle(s) be hand-carried very frequently - whether for safety, to keep the muzzle (or butt) from bashing on rocks, to keep the muzzle clear of snow on the ground (or water on branches), or to maintain balance over rough areas and keep the rifle ready to be protected in the case of a fall.
So, having a sling that's easier to remove from my body is better than a rifle that's always 'at the ready'.

The closest I get to the 3-point idea, is when I pull the shoulder strap off of my range bag and clip it to my AR pistol as a 'single-point' sling.
I use "3 point" slings on hunting AR's. Most of the time, they're fine but in deep snow, the muzzle tends to dip into the drifts.
If you're using them for range toys, they let the rifle hang at a safe angle while you BS at the water cooler.
Allow the rifle to hang but remain accessible, while in combat carrying 150 pounds of kit. Isn't really needed for hunting.
Might be different in Norway though. Apparently, there's a whole lot of 'up' there. You may need both hands just to move around. Mind you, if that's the case, your rifle should be unloaded and having the thing ready to shoot won't be needed.
"...BS at the water cooler..." Just having a firearm in your hands while doing that can get you kicked off the range.
Can you recommend a sling?

I think the one I use most is a "Spec-Ops". Not one of the high dollar slings but I've used it for several years w/o significant damage.
Currently, I make up my own slings since I'm the only one who really knows what I want. These days I do less walking with an AR hanging off my neck so don't need that function as often.
The 3 point sling was all the rage in the late 80’s and 90’s. Today a good 2 point or a 2-1 point convertible will do everything a 3 point will do with less webbing and more versatility.

I still have 1 three point sling in my collection. Its on my M1 super 90 that hasn't seen much use since i left the S.O.