3-gun rifle stages--are 10-rounders enough?


New member
Are 10-rounders enough while doing 3-gun rifle stages? Or will I only fire a few, then move? Or is this all based on whoever designed the evil COF?

Do people shoot Garands for fun, if not to be competitive?

I heard talk about doing like the IDPA did, that one day CA will have to have a 10-round cap on rifle matches, just to let the younger guys be competitive.
Any size mag is ok if you dont mind reloading. Some matches use a lot more than 10 rounds per stage. Some also call for reloads. I usually use both 10, 20 and 30 rounders.
As you alluded to in your post, it will probably depend on the COF.

Will it still be fun? Oh yeah!
Will you be competive? Maybe.
I don't think I'll be competitive shooting anything other than .223 but man, shooting my .308 sounds like a lot of fun.
Mag capacity is not an issue in 3-Gun or IDPA rifle CoFs. I've seen video of a guy who absolutely crushed the competition with a Lee-Enfield Jungle Carbine.

Most CoFs require at least two hits to CoM, sometimes a Mozambique drill. In 3-Gun, I've gotten away with two loaded 30-rounders, though I do not recommend it (firing from a prone position with the damn things is not fun). My current 3-Gun loadout is three 20-rounders for the AR. IDPA requires a 10-round limit on all mags, don't know if we're limited to the total number of mags on the person.
Mag capacity is not an issue in 3-Gun or IDPA rifle CoFs. ....

The point I was trying to make is that you will be more competive with a 10 round mag if for instance, the COF is only 10 shots and then some movement for reloading, as opposed to a COF that has you standing still and blasting away at copious amounts of close targets requiring more than 10 shots.