3 gun match


New member
Anyone can shoot a 3 gun match with fancy pistols and AR's, I shot last Sundays match with a Krag and USGI 1911.

Maybe not as fast, but it was as accurate as any out there. For the rifle phase, they had two little pop up targets about 35 yards away. You were suppose to fire six shots at each. No biggy, I can get 6 rounds in the Krag. My first round (220 gr bullets at 2000 fps) broke the target, Second round flipped the second target over. I looked up at the RO and he says keep shooting at what's left, so I rolled the target up the hill.

First picture is firing the Krag


Second is loading for the second target, this required loading one round in the chamber and dumping the next five in the hopper.


The next photo is firing the 1911 at the pistol targets.


The next stage required turning around and engaging two small balloons at close range. The RO told me if I could reach them I could use the Krag's bayonet to save a reload.
Stage II

Engaging balloons:


No time to remove the bayonet, making it shoot a bit low but not too bad.


Loading from the belt:


Hard act to follow, I think I'll shoot my next 3-gun match with a Mosin and Nagant revolver.
Back when I was shooting competition there was a Rod&Gun club in Kansas that used to put on a match once a month.

I always enjoyed going to their matches and competing as they had no classifications, it was a straight heads up match which is what competition should be in my opinion.

Once a year they would put on a 3 gun match, like all their matches it was a good one and a lot of fun.

The handgun and shotgun part of the match was speed events, the rifle part of the match was more about accuracy.

In the rifle portion, the rifle to be used had to be any centerfire caliber with iron sights only, no red-dots or glass of any kind.
Course of fire was 20 rounds fired at USPSA/IPSC targets placed 75, 100, 150, 200 yards, five rounds fired at each distance.

This was a timed event in the effect that that you were allotted a certain amount of time to fire all 20 shots, and they were not to generous with the amount of time allotted
Scoring was A's=5 B's=4 C's=3 D's=2 a miss is 0.

I decided to shoot the rifle part of the match with an SKS that I had reworked the front sight on.
I also liked the SKS because of being able to load the rifle with stripper clips, plus I could shoot this little rifle fairly well.

Another fellow and myself tied for first place on raw score but I was awarded the first place win because I hit more A's, three of which was on the 200 yard target.

I do miss the days of shooting with them fellows because they always put on a good match and were a fine bunch of competitors to shoot with.

Kraig it looks like you all are having a good time and some beautiful country to shoot in.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter