3 gun helmetcam videos


New member
1st person rifle

1st person shotgun

Here is my first attempt of using my new archos helmetcam for 3 gun. What video I got came out awesome. The first person perspective with the rifle and shotgun are very interesting to watch. I lost a lot of footage as the damn archos dvr unit seems to have a mind of it's own. It turns itself on and off and locks itself in power save mode. I might actually have to read the manual again :(
There was a cqb "close quarter battle" rifle stage that I'm kicking myself that it didn't capture. That would of been awesome. The helmetcam does not pick up the long range targets worth a damn but that's to be expected. The targets under 50 yards and the long guns show up real well.
As I familiarize myself with this new equipment I think it's going to make some outstanding video. I got a shotgun match at the end of the month and two 3 gun matches in October. So there will be good stuff coming soon.
I got a bunch of stuff off the regular camcorder too that I got edited. I just need to add the secret sauce and get them uploaded. Going to take a break and grab some dinner. Still I was so excited I had to get these videos up.
I've had nothing but trouble when using the Archos for motorcycle videos. You double check and think that it's recording and the thing shuts off for no reason. Seems like we recorded every second or third run if we were lucky :(
Thats an interesting rifle sight setup you have there. I wish I could keep a range setup like that without every idiot for a hundred miles turning it into firewood or running it over with a jeep!
I fly lots of R/C sailplanes, and some of the guys have been using helmet cams to video themselves when theyre flying alone.

REALLY nice videos btw. It's almost like being there.