3 Gun Competitors...

I was just curious what guns and gear you use for your matches. I don't know much about this type of shooting, but it's the only competition that really looked fun and interesting to me (aside from the 3-D archery I did as a boy). What are the max ranges for the rifle?
Anyone shoot 'Heavy Metal" class? How many round do you go thru in a match? I like the auto shotgun setups I've seen. Wonder if Saigas are popular for scattergun duties. Do you bring spare guns and if so, same type as your primary? Is this closer to IDPA or IPSC, if you catch my meaning?

Just a few questions, would really be interested in seeing what kind of rigs you guys/gals use. I sure would like to find one of these around me.
There are several organizations that hold “3-gun” matches. I would strongly suggest going out and watching the next match held and asking as many questions as you can. Almost all of the participants will try to be helpful and several will probably ask you if you would like to try the equipment that they have. I would bet you will save 100’s of dollars in equipment by buying what you like the first time.
If you have not shot any USPSA, for instance, and USPSA 3-gun is what you are going to play, shoot a few pistol matches so you are familiar with the rules and range commands (our club requires this).
As a final note, make sure ALL of your equipment runs and is sighted in for the ranges you are to be shooting (another question that will be answered at the first match you watch).

Hope this helps.
Thanks guys. I've found this kind of thing interesting for years. This month will be purchasing a M1A Socom 16 and 930 SPX, thought this might be a nice way to get intimate with them and get out/have some fun too, assuming I find a local event. I'd have to get a pistol too, was planning to get one after more SLRs, the Taurus PT1911 is what I'd go with probably, I like the Steyr M9-A1 too, but for competition, do best with a 1911.
Found an event fairly close, USPSA, held monthly near Detroit. Read up on the club rules and other particulars. This club has 100 yd. max on the rifle range and the last one had a little over 50 competitors. I will definately want to check it out before participating. I can see right now if I get into this I'll need different guns in whatever division, haven't paid up the two mentioned above yet, but still want them. Plan to get a .223 anyway, but maybe the 930 Combo might be smarter for me to buy for a shotgun for HD/Sport, something to consider right now before I drop over 550. on the SPX, and I don't really have money to throw around like that. But if I'm reading right, 18" is too short to use at all, and interchangeable chokes req.(?)
Didn't think a ported barrel was eqivalent to a speedloader in SG classification.
Not really sure what division interests me more, without having shot it, other than stay away from Open and the experts with high tech stuff.
Also I understood HM had to be a .308 (irons only), and pump (12 only), now am not seeing that specified. Limited and Tactical look to be the most common.

Is most the SG shooting at clays? Steel for the others and slugs? And in Trooper do you have to carry everything while shooting each course, or just to each range? If you can set down what you don't need at that time, I'm liking that even with full racegun competition. What I would probably do if the class never existed.
I thought there would be more transition involved, like go from rifle to pistol in the same string, from what I've read appears one system at a time. The scope on top/red dot on handguard would be open class only, right, since it is 2 optics? I think what first interested me about 3 Gun besides it involving practical skill for all 3 types, is the unusual setups and how they would be a benefit to use. It seems pretty exciting and valuable vs. standing in one place at a range.

They do allow the match to be shot with pistol only, which though my weak spot, I can't burn all that gas to just watch others shoot. Like I said I just started thinking about this to give my new stuff/my practical skills with them a workout, but I can tell I'm going to get caught up in it first time I see it and will in any case need some different hardware, now that I got money to get set up starting to reconsider getting the rifle and shotgun I really want, have wanted and sacrificed for a long time to afford, kinda have my heart set on. The pistol and SG will depend on whatever class grabs me the most after seeing firsthand. Not that I'd mind owning a G34C or 17L, 1100CM or 20 ga. equivalent (well, will have to get a 24" or 28" barrel to use the SPX, might as well throw in longer extension plus little rib mt. reflex to make it competitive), just for this, if I like Trooper but would take me a long time to save for, especially while buying SLR's before possible future ban. Like that.
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I shoot what I have. Before shooting any 3-gun, I already had a single stack .45, a Mossberg 590, and a M1 Carbine (:eek:), and I've mostly used those guns, including USPSA Nats in '06. I've since bought an AR, but unless I know there are going to be a lot of 300-yard shots, I still prefer the Carbine. I've also shot Heavy Metal a few times, using my Garand; as you can tell, I'm not too interested in spending on the latest and greatest gear, but instead try to do the best I can with the gear that I have.
You really do need a hi-cap semi-auto rifle to be competitive in any division. Pistol type isn't so important, unless you are shooting Open. I shoot Limited with a 10-round .45, and within the structure of multi-gun matches, it's not really a handicap. The popularity of the auto shotgun is due almost entirely to unimaginative course design, but you're stuck with it.
Round count depends on the stages, which depends on the club. So just give the match director a call and ask. I think: 150 rounds pistol, 80 rounds rifle, and 50 rounds bird shot, 5 slugs, 5 buckshot is good generally. (I normally bring more to help others just in case.)

Heavy metal class, I think, is put there to help people who's only got those equipment and their nature is too competitive to run in the regular classes :) I.e. don't shoot heavy metal unless that's all you've got.

For rifle, I like bushmaster's superlite, something light and iron sights. Makes it easy to transition among targets. For shotgun, I like the tactical ones w/ lots of ammo capacity (in case the stage didn't specify ammo limits). I don't see any magazined shotguns used, so check the rules, maybe they aren't allowed.

Generall having a sling is required on the rifle due to stage requirements. But it is very nice to have a sling for your shotgun, get those 18" tactical shotguns and extra long slings. You can decide to use it or not if you've got it.

Depending on the club, but it is usually IPSC in terms of round count and rules. Distance is very short for the rifles because most clubs don't have the very long bays and scoring takes forever. Max distance I've shot w/ rifle is 50-60 yards??
Im confused (not unusual);
what class would i be in if i was shooting a colt commander, a mossberg 500 and a colt sporter AR?
could i shoot a 303 enfield ?
how bout a single action revolver (357 blackhawk), or a 357 cobra?

BTW 351, i expect an "article" on this when your done!
a colt commander, a mossberg 500 and a colt sporter AR?

Bring these and you'll be fine. Don't worry about shooting class, the people there will put you into the correct class. I've shot at clubs where they have different classes for shotgun and rifles: semi auto, pump, optics, iron sight, 10-round carbines, etc. I've also shot w/ a club that's just got a couple classes for everybody.

Figure out how to carry all your guns and gear is more a challege than actually shooting a 3 gun match. Good luck on your first match!!! and learn to save lots of money for future matches...
Right now: Remington 1100 Competition Master, custom 20"+comp AR, and Para Ordnance P14-45. Sometimes I shoot a Glock 17.

could i shoot a 303 enfield ?......how bout a single action revolver (357 blackhawk), or a 357 cobra?
Well, you COULD but it would not be fun. A stage might be 20-40 rounds total, and some stages mix of 2 or 3 guns. So, reloading a single action revolver while the clock is running is not my idea of a good time.

Like j1132s said, the colt commander, mossberg 500 and colt sporter AR are a great way to start, and may be all you need for home/club type matches. I agree not to worry about class; if you accidently fall into Open, so what? Add a safe holster and some way to carry mags and shells, and you are ready. Mags can go in pockets. At the match, you can probably borrow some way to carry shotgun shells.

Saigas have their advocates, but the top shooters nationally do not shoot them. However, I expect to buy one someday. :D

Side note: I have since switched to an 1100, but when I was shooting my 590 (pump), it was fun to beat some of the guys running semi-auto.

Well since my last post, I picked up a 590 SP and WASR 10 GP. Cancelled the layaway on the SPX, still want it but am good to go with a shotgun right now.
Still buying time on which M1A. Socom still my favorite, but been handling standards more and more, which are practically the same weight, and the Scout which I consider the best rifle period...but I like all 3 sizes. My new WASR I didn't for some reason check the one I was taking home during the call, got one with the front sight so misaligned it wouldn't have rolled out of Intratec that far off. The one I got last fall came with an oil flask or something, this one instead came with a haggard leather sling featuring rusty metal. Got 7 boxes of Wolf FMJ & JHP, since I didn't see any cases in X39, Picked up some 7.5 Bird, #4 and low recoil 00 buck, Peters rifled slug and Brenneke TKO for the 12 gauge. I'm buying back my old 500 so my boy can have an heirloom, was thinking of swapping wood furnature onto the 590 and getting a leather military sling for a more old school trench broom look. Was able to resist getting a cheap S&W M-9 Bayonet for it.(...for now :o )

Order for the Daly HP fell thru, well from that source. Really would prefer a 1911 even a classic Mil Spec style. It's the only handgun I've ever shot well. And since I don't CCW should be a no brainer, perfectly fine SD weapon that I could use in competition. Saw a nice used S&W 4566 for 450, I like it alot but something is holding me back, always wanted a 4506 though, always thought was the best DA 45, more than a P220. But still looking at the HP, Steyr M9A1, and XD 45 Tactical for the one of the same reasons SLR's are a priority-capacity. My handgun could be any of the above.

Kind of wish I would have got the SPX instead but am satisfied for now with the tough as nails 590. That is one shotgun I've wanted since a teen, now finally have one, was looking at a Supernova Tactical for a pump, but got this baby at Dick's for 350. The WASR was just something to get while I can, something to stash away, and had opportunity to take it home for 340. all up. Was at Dunham's looking for a M-44 or Ishapore but this AK was not much more than them so now, she's with me. I plotted for a long time on what I'd get and in what order, still going to get everything on my short list soon. Soon as I decide on a pistol I'll have the hardware to participate in this exciting sport.