3-day Emergency Pack


New member

I'm trying to get recommendations for a good pack and thought you guys would be good people to ask. I'm trying to assemble a 3-day pack, moreso an earthquake kit than anything else. I have several questions and considerations I guess I can ask in a list format.

1. A hydration system is required. I know that in an earthquake kit, you're more sitting at home waiting for the utilities to be turned on more than anything else, but if I get stranded on the freeway and need to hike home, I rather not fumble with a plastic Arrowhead water bottle. Sames goes if I want to go backpacking or hiking with the thing.

2. I don't have any experience with water filters. Should I pack one anyway? Right now I have 3 gallons (one gallon per day) of Aqua Literz in my pack (my old school pack) and it's taking up lots of space and weight. FYI I live in a densely populated urban environment. Is there a compact solution for water treatment? This is an urban pack, not a head-for-the-hills pack.

3. The pack will also double as a camping rig, so I'd like to have a sleeping bag attachment. Modular attachment panels would be nice, too.

I've looked on Blackhawk's web page, some of their packs look pretty nice. I'm also looking at Eagle Industries. Since I don't really like the commando look, I've been looking at Camelbak's civilian offerings, but they seem kind of small for my requirements. Right now I'm leaning towards either Blackhawk's 3-day pack or Phoenix pack, with the side panels and the sleeping bag compression baggie. How do these military-type packs compare to the more consumer-oriented packs? I've heard of Gregory but haven't seen the web site.

Any recommendations? Not trying to start a brand-x war, I just want some good info on a nice, solid pack.
Hey Skunk, (cant believe I am calling someone Skunk) I would reccomend the Katadyn Combi filter. The ceramic filter will deal with the microbes and the carbon element will handle the chemical runoff you usually find in urban environments. They are expensive but worth it, long term costs are where you save with ceramic elements. If the price is a bit much for what you view to be a piece of limited use gear the Sweet Water filters seem to be very cost effective. I do a lot of camping and backpacking so I lean toward the Katadyn stuff bit the other will probably do what you need. Given the weight I would suggest you replace some of the water with a filter. Keep more water in the home and even the car but three gallons is a lot to put on your back.

I have seen the quality of Blackhawk drop off in the last few years so I would reccomend Eagle, I am sure they have something comprable. I have had good service from Jansport and Kelty packs and my brother has had some strong praise for Lowe and, and , and who. Crap, I can't remember what else he uses. There are several other manufacturers of quality bags that should do what you need, do some searches and if you have any questions just ask. May be a bit off topic but I don't think people will object to it to strongly.

I assume you have thought of all the tools you would need to turn off the utilities in case of an earthquake.
I believe the best technical packs out there today are made by Jandd Mountaineering. They make packs for al purposes and are bound to have something just for you. I suggest you visit their website. www.jandd.com

Before you pick a pack you should get everything you're going to put in it. There are some serious differences in packed sizes when it comes to sleeping bags and sleeping pads. I assume you're leaning towards an internal frame pack so make sure everything will fit inside before you pick your pack otherwise you'll be tying things to the outside and then you may as well have an external frame pack. If you're on a budget, the Kelty stuff is pretty good. Gregory makes a really nice pack that carries really well too. My personal preference is Dana Design. I have 3 of their packs and they're made to last and carry a ton comfortably. I've taken my Bomb Pack on several 5 day trips carrying 50-60 lbs of gear and food and it's been great and is now on it's 10th year of service without any appreciable wear. Of course I'm soft now and carry the same load in a Terraplane :)

I also have the Katadyn filter and it's great for the long haul but it's a pain to pump compared to todays modern filters. The Sweetwater is a nice little pump (for 3 days it's plenty) and the MSR was nice too. Don't get me wrong, the Kat will do in a pinch but the others are much nicer to use.
72 Hour Kit-Checklist
8 tubes of formula + 1 bottle of formula and nipple
2 Flashlights with batteries + extra
2 packs of baby wipes
2 Wool-blend blankets or Emergency reflective blankets
16 diapers
50-foot rope (nylon)
50-foot utility rope
72 Hour Supply of Food and Water (MREs and 3 gallons of water)
Appropriate ammo
Appropriate one-use cleaning for firearm
Army Survival Field manual
Bottle of potassium iodide tablets
2 Durable water resistant duffel bags, frame packs or day packs
Emergency Preparedness Manual
First aid kit and supplies
Hand and body warm packs
Hand Sanitizer
Handgun or rifle
Insect repellent
Light sticks
Lightweight stove and fuel
Map of local area
Matches-waterproof, or in watertight container
Mess kits and silverware
Method of water purification
Money-At least $20 in your kit. Be sure to include quarters for phone calls
Knife with wood saw
Personal kit (soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, comb, tissue, sanitary napkins, razor, meds, contacts stuff)
Radio with batteries or radio with alternate power sources
Reflective Mirror
Second method to start a fire
Sewing kit
Sleeping bags
Toilet paper
Water filter
Whistle with neck cord

This is my planned 72 hour kit. Still working on the water issue myself, but with a water filter and nearby water sources, I should be ok. Distributed between myself and my wife about 80/20 % with her carrying the tyke still leaves me with a heavy pack, but well prepared.
I agree that 3 gallons is a bit to hump - especially in an urban environment. I'd suggest doing a google search on water purification/filters to get a good idea of what's out there. Filters run the gammut from ~$35-40 (suitable, depending on what you're filtering out) - $hoot the moon (expedition types). A nifty gadget is a filter straw - just stick the end in the water & drink. Not too good for filling up a water bottle though. Maybe toss in an empty collapsable water container that you can fill up when you get "there."

CamelBaks are great & come in many flavors - check out the options & decide what looks to work best for you.

Second the internal frame pack - they hug you better & allow more freedom of movement. So many decent enough flavors on the market that it falls again into what you like best. I've an old North Face that's seen 20+ years & still going strong. A smaller MountainSmith for weekenders. Both excellent, but haven't kept up with NF.

One big tip. Sleeping bag stuff sacks are not waterproof even if they look like they should be. For a normal stuff sack, at the least, insert a kitchen-sized plastic bag into your stuff sack & then stuff in your bag.
frugal squirrels

Perhaps the TFL of survivalism is
Lots of discussion of bugout bags there. It's rife with SHTF-minded people. Like you, I'm more interested in emergency one-week-or-less survivalism, not all the post-apocalyptic stuff.
Hi thanks for the Squirrel post. Lived in Los Angeles for 14 of my 22 years. Been through two major earthquakes, a close call with a fire (a fireball from a burning building flew about a mile and lit up two of my neighbor's houses) and one riot (didn't come close to my 'hood, thanks to the Guard). Wasn't prepared for a single one of them.

Doesn't hurt to be prepared.