2nd Open Holster Day Rally - Baltimore, MD


New member



November 7th, 2009
10 AM to 5 PM
At Baltimore Inner Harbor’s McKeldin Square

Go to http://www.marylandshallissue.org/ for updates and the latest information

Purpose: To have a large, completely peaceful and unarmed gathering of supporters of “Shall Issue” laws in Maryland. We will be wearing empty holsters in protest of the current “Discretionary Issue” system that sees Handgun Carry Permits issued only to those politically connected or dealing in extraordinarily large amounts of physical cash, or the occasional person who can meet the high burden of proof needed to receive one for self defense.

How to Participate: The intent is to have a nice day with the family and friends at the Inner Harbor, shopping, eating and sight seeing while wearing, in plain sight, an empty holster. You will know others participating in the protest by their open holsters. Stop by the Open Holster Day Rally information booth at McKeldin Square, located at the intersection of Light and Pratt Streets, introduce yourself and make new friends.

Basic Safety Rules: All holsters must remain empty at all times. Do not put toy guns, training guns or the like in your holster. We want to emphasize the emptiness of the holsters and our lack of protection. The holster will simply be a fashion accessory, symbolizing our vulnerability to criminals.

Long Term: The plan is to build on each Open Holster Day Rally, gathering more protesters to join us in January, during the Legislative session, to take the protest to the next “Shall Issue" bill hearing. Join us, make friends and help the movement to get Shall Issue Conceal Carry in Maryland.


Oh cool. I'll plan on attending. Is there a thread on this on MD shooters.com? I don't want to be the only young adult male there by himself :).
The Permit cleared through the City of Baltimore!

The local LEO’s have been notified, the Governor and Attorney General have been notified/invited, and we are working the Press.

Come on out and join us.

Only 22 days away.

Oh cool. I'll plan on attending. Is there a thread on this on MD shooters.com? I don't want to be the only young adult male there by himself .

Yep, look under the "Events" forum! We are looking for a lot of support so our message gets heard. Be sure to stop by and introduce yourself at the Booth.

I got a call from Governor O'Malley's office. Unfortunately he has prior engagements and will be unable to attend. :barf: :barf:

We need to rally the Gun Community in Maryland. Come on out and support us at Baltimore's Inner Harbor on November 7th.

I had a nice talk with Lt. Morris of the Baltimore PD. They know we are coming and all the shift Commanders have been notified. He was encouraging with his tone and comments and we expect a nice time for all!

Come on out and join us at Baltimore's Inner Harbor on November 7th.
Less then 2 weeks away!

We are coming down to the wire. Put together car pools and bring lots of friends down to the Inner Harbor on November 7th.


Open carry in Maryland. Wow. And pushing to "shall issue", that is great. I just moved away from Bowie this year. I hate their anti gun nazis they call legislators. Great luck!
Cool idea. I travel on Amtrak regularly and have earned a couple of free tickets, so I might hop on a train and come down for this.

Getting 'shall issue' CCW in another state (other than Pennsylvania) nearby to my home state of New Jersey will only help our fight to obtain 'shall issue' CCW here.
One Week!

7 Day forecast for next Saturday, November 7th 2009, is for Low 60's with 30% chance of rain.

Not bad for November.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone. Stop by the MSI Open Holster Rally Booth and introduce yourself!

The weather is shaping up... Come on out and join us!

The latest information can be found here: MSI Update

Looking forward to meeting our fellow gun owners and their families.


We had a successful day. We did not have the turnout I had hoped for, but more then 30 people joined us to hand out brochures and talk with people around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. There were many tourists from out of town, more then a few offering us encouragement and support. We talked to some Anti’s and got them to think a little. Made a few new friends and talked with some old. Rep. Todd Schuler of the 8th District came out and talked with us. We thank him for his support.

All in all a good day, no one was harassed for their openly displayed holsters, the Police waved at us, the town folk did not tar and feather us, we got the word out and came home knowing we made some difference. You can find pictures over at the Maryland Shooters Forum at the end of the Event thread (http://www.mdshooters.com/showthread.php?t=25427)

Thanks to all that helped spread the word and to those who joined us. We have a long way to go, but the first baby steps have been taken. The next target is back to Annapolis in January or February. The Maryland General Assembly starts their 2010 session on January 13th. We have our message and we will be taking it to them. Follow along with us and get the latest information at,


Thanks again for your support!

I had no idea about this event what so ever .... soo sad . I would have liked to come out with friends & family .. Ill be on the look out for such events in the future ..
or if anyone can email me that would be great!! John@BmoreX.com