2nd Amendment To Be Heard

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D.C. Vs Heller 07-290, Will be heard March 18th. Only argument scheduled for day. Win, Lose, Draw, We Will Be Heard.
Great news! I was thinking that we'd have to wait until much later in the year to have our rights vindicated.

Best thing I've heard in weeks. History ladies and gentleman.....history is being made.

Remember, the judicial apointments, not the administrations, are the most impactive on America.
Well, at least we won't have to wait too long to hear what the SC thinks. But I'm not very optimistic at all about their decision.

I fully expect a watered-down interpretation of the 2A. I can almost guarantee that the statist "conservatives" on the SC will not recognize the true purpose of the 2A, which is to allow the citizens to keep the tools necessary to overthrow the government if they should feel the need to. Thus, they'll probably find that AWBs, the 1986 machine gun ban, etc., amount to "reasonable regulation."

Probably the best I feel I can hope for is that they'll throw out most federal gun laws but allow states to maintain their own gun regulations. Since many state constitutions contain their own versions of the 2A, that would guarantee that at least part of the US remains free in that regard. But even this scenario seems unlikely to me. :(
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